BEWARE OF ILLEGAL PROPERTIES IN SPAIN!!! When buying a property, - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF ILLEGAL PROPERTIES IN SPAIN!!! When buying a property, what is the difference between hiring “Ricor Solicitors” or some other “low cost” unregulated or unqualified non-independent advisors? Very simple, the difference lies in the paramount quality of the individualised “homemade” legal services offered to our clients. ........................................................................... Dear Readers, As you already probably know, many Britons have always dreamed of owning a holiday home in the sun due to the strength of the pound and as a result they have been acquiring in good faith beautiful properties in Spain, only to find out to their horror after completion at the Notary, that they were totally ILLEGAL or effected by serious breach of planning law, which resulted in heavy penalties and fines. In fact, some unlucky Brits who bought in Spain during the boom had their houses demolished without compensation because they didn’t have the correct regulatory approval. We are proud to inform our readers that we have saved many international clients from buying illegal dwellings affected by serious charges and encumbrances, land grab situations, and properties built on environmentally protected land, etc. As a matter of fact, we have recently saved a very good English client of our Firm, from a ruinous investment regarding a PROPERTY located in the MURCIA PROVINCE, which was AFFECTED BY A VERY SERIOUS URBANIZATION CHARGE (of more than 70.000 Euros). Luckily, we prevented on time one unscrupulous Developer to commit a serious FRAUD&SWINDLE against our clients. In fact, if they had not hired our services at the outset of the case and they had subsequently relied on the misleading opinion given by the arrogant developer and agent, they would have ended up buying a property affected by a huge encumbrance that it would have turned their romantic dream of living in Spain into a real nightmare, as they would be now engaged in a protracted and costly litigation against the seller. Please find attached an extract of a preliminary legal report produced for our clients at the outset of the case as well as the certificate obtained from the local Council confirming our initial suspicions that the dwelling was not being sold free of charges, as the seller affirmed. Obviously, after receiving the enclosed official report from the Council, we immediately advised our clients NOT TO ACQUIRE THAT PROPERTY. Our high rate of success is subsequently explained by the fact that after conducting a background legal investigation about the property, we prepare for our clients a written comprehensive LEGAL REPORT,- (before any deposit is paid to the seller or developer)- which contains accurate legal information about the legal situation of the dwelling. Our Reports offer independent and transparent advice as we ensure that relevant searches are rigorously carried out at the local town hall and land registry, tracking all property records and investigating any possible local urbanization plans affecting the property. For example, we do check that there are no debts and the vendor, who is selling it, has the permission to sell it-i.e, he is actually the current owner. Likewise, we also personally check that the purchase contract our clients finally sign is 100% legal and we protect our clients when the Builder, Agent or Vendor try to mislead our clients into signing a purchase contract with abusive clauses (this is unfortunately a very usual bad practice among many unreliable Sellers). Remember that in case you might be considering to buy a property in Spain, our goal will be to protect your interests in the best possible way and above all, that you buy a 100% property legal. RICOR ABOGADOS can guarantee you that. Our legal reports have fortunately saved many of our clients from thousand of euros in protracted litigation. If you kindly check our testimonials section of our website ricorbogados, you will find plenty of testimonials form real clients who put their trust in our Firm and they are all now all extremely grateful to our Firm for the excellent work and protection offered, which fills us with a lot of professional proud. Finally, we would like-if we may- to stress the point that buying a property is a serious matter. Considering how much is at stake (all the life savings of many private investors) and the huge number of swindles and frauds committed by unreliable builders and developers in Spain over the past few years, the right criteria when choosing an independent Solicitor must not be exclusively the price or the size of the office, but the paramount quality of the services to be offered by the law firm. Don’t be rushed into a quick decision, just because the agent or seller might be exerting a huge pressure on you to pay a deposit, remember time is on your side and to protect yourself, ALWAYS seek help from a bilingual regulated Lawyer, (never rely on unregulated companies offering dubious legal services on the web), who is independent of the local vendor or property developer, like Ricor Solicitors&Abogados! Thank you very much again for your attention and we look forward to giving you a personalized service and the benefit of a high quality and cost effective advice. Yours sincerely, Mr Antonio Ricor Doctor in Law. Mr. Oscar Ricor Morales. “NON-PRACTISING ENGLISH SOLICITOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES”, under the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” (SRA) SRA number 519196 and practicing Spanish Solicitor under the Colegio de Abogados de Orihuela.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:04:51 +0000

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