BEWARE OF MALCOLM SHARLAND!!!! This is not easy to talk about but - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF MALCOLM SHARLAND!!!! This is not easy to talk about but due to the outcome of this i have to share my bad experience with others to warn them and make them aware of malcolm sharland I wanted to learn to drive before my daughter was born so my husband has approached a bill plant instructor Malcolm Sharland for driving lessons. I went forward had my assesment lesson with him he seemed nice enough but there was something weird about him but i couldnt put my finger on it. So i carried on having lessons with him and paid upfront for 5 lessons. Scond lesson he started touching and squeezing my leg telling me to drive more lady like and he was making inapropriate comments like thats nice etc. he told me many times how pretty i was and how beautiful etc. it was making me uncomfortable. But thhings got worse he started touching my breast with the back of his hand while i was 7months pregnant to reassure me when i doubted myself. I just thought oh his hand might have touched my breast accidently so i didnt think much of it. I did tell my husband that when he touches my leg it is very distracting but he assumed he was touching me with his pen which wasnt the case. In the end of my lessons when i had doubted myself once again as my turn in the road wasnt perfect he squeezed my breast. I couldnt believe it. I was so angry and upset and just wanted to go home but didnt have a clue where i was. I wasnt the only who he done it to. I had told my husband weeks after. He told me to go to the police which i did. He got charged i took him to the court. And it turned out he done this to 2 other girls who have confirmed it and god knows how many other girls have been abused by him. The judge dismissed the vital evidence which was the 2 other girls statement and it was my word against his. The judge said this word for word i believe mrs williams but due to LACK OF EVIDENCE which he dismissed himself said i cant prosecute him so he is not guilty. So malcolm sharland got away with it. I am absolutely devastated . Ive been let down by the system and i am not going to let it stop there. This is why i have decided to come forward and make people aware of this discusting person who is capable of this. If you ever read this malcolm you are a lyer, you are disgusting and hope you burn in hell. And its not over. You have messed with the wrong person. Hope your family is proud of you that you like touching young girls and taking advantage even though you are married. I wonder what lies you are telling your wife...
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:25:01 +0000

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