BEWARE OF THE FALSE PROPHET! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE LIES OF THE FALSE PROPHET!! Jesus: "You must remember that My teachings are the same as they have always been. Those who come in My Name must be watched carefully. If they proclaim My word then they are of the light. When you find My teachings to be changed in any way that seems strange to you walk away. Do not listen. These unfortunate people have been tempted by the Evil One to distort My teachings deliberately to lead you astray and confuse you. Any doctrine that has not originated from Holy Scripture and which claims to proclaim the truth is a lie. This is a sin against Me and is a grevious attack on me and My Eternal Father." thewarningsecondcoming/false-teachers-prophets/ "They do this for two reasons. The first is to defile My Divinity and to present Me as a mere man. The second is to create doubt as to My role as the Messiah. How they insult My Name. How they confuse My followers. Do not listen to lies. Do not listen when they try to convince you that God did not create the universe. For all of these distractions are designed to weaken your faith and steal your souls. Block your ears to such wickedness. Close your eyes to untruths as every effort will be made to convince you that I was not the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind. How blind they are. How little they have learned. Your Jesus." thewarningsecondcoming/they-will-say-that-i-was-married-they-will-say-that-i-was-simply-a-prophet/ "Please do not listen to the deceit of the lies you have been told by The Deceiver, through divisions of the Free Masons, the Illuminati, the false prophets and the bizarre and totally evil cults that have evolved through the stupidity of Man." thewarningsecondcoming/the-warning-of-hell-and-the-promise-of-paradise/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:45:46 +0000

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