BEWARE OF THESE TEACHINGS! Most motivational speakers - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF THESE TEACHINGS! Most motivational speakers would sayDevelop the man in you!,Become a better you! while certain preachers I choose to call hyper-grace preachers would sayYou are the righteousness of God as 2 Corinthians 5:21 says,so the righteousness of God is who you are,it is not what you do. Either you sin or not,grace has covered it all so it doesnt matter what you do!. I have carefully observed the extremities in these teachings,and I have realised that for believers,these teachings doesnt promote the nature of Christ in us,they may contain convincing and factual information but they do not contribute to edification of our spirit man. Become a better me? I am not a believer to become a better me,but to become a lesser me,it is as John said itHe must increase,but I must decrease. There has be less of me for more of God to be revealed. This is so because when the perfection sets in,the imperfection goes into extinction,so God perfects Himself through my imperfections,He is not working in me to promote me but to glorify Himself. Definitely,there is no other way out to living for Him,it has to be more of Him everyday and less of me everyday! Yes! In the Grace we have received through Christ,sins are endlessly forgiven,but this doesnt mean Grace is a license or backup to sinning,What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! says Romans 6:15. Grace does not abound to encourage sin but to promote righteousness,this is the reason were sin abounds,grace abound the more. We being the righteousness of God helps us to live righteously,so what we do matters a lot about who we are. Jude wrote about these preachers saying....They are godless men who charge the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord(verse 4). One other thing some believers are falling victim to is the delusions of science. Everyday,we have new theories and research by scientists which focuses on explaining away the existence of God and His works. They have tried proving there are no miracles,and also working on defeating death using nanotechnology,and all other kinds of jargons. I agree that science have helped the world a whole lot,but it cannot replace the greatest Helper who holds the world in His hands. Besides,the knowledge of science is irrelevant in the ministry of the spirit,so be careful with the informations you expose yourself to. Brethren,with a lot of gospel preachers preaching mixture of truth and lies,one have to be careful what he/she feeds his/her mind with i.e what you read and hear. It is time we become wise enough to judge any teachings that appears like the truth but not the whole truth,as long as it is not the whole truth,it is absolutely false. Let us take heed to Colossians 2:8 which saysSee to it that no one careful take you captivate through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human traditions and basic principles of this world, rather than on Christ. PRAYER STARTER: Sanctify us with your word oh God for your word is truth.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 07:06:58 +0000

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