BEYOND LAVEYIAN SATANISM I want to get one thing straight right - TopicsExpress


BEYOND LAVEYIAN SATANISM I want to get one thing straight right away. Even though I totally respect Anton Szandor LaVey’s work, he was still just a man. He wasn’t a god, messiah or a savior. This man was just a gifted person that put together a lot of powerful past ideas along with his own to create a lifestyle that could resonate with other like-minded people. It promoted living life like a predator, not prey. And it was based on rational thinking not blind belief. Ritual elements were open for interpretation, but were seen more as a therapeutic release. In the end you needed no god because you were your own god. When you hailed Satan you were praising yourself. And for the most part LaVeyian Satanism was considered very Atheistic. So why was it ever considered to be an actual religion? The reason is quite simple. LaVey was doing it more as a protest against the other religions that were getting special privileges and tax exemptions. He also wanted the same rights for Satanism, but wanted to pay the taxes that others weren’t. I personally believe he took the idea of calling Satanism a religion as more of a mockery to other religions. Even though many people still fight to keep Satanism an official religion, I can not agree with them. Religion is a cult that rounds up the mindless to submit to it and their god(s). Satanism has nothing to do with that. To me, Satanism is more of a philosophy that wasn’t made for just everyone. You are born a Satanist, not converted into one. THE SATANIC BIBLE is a blueprint for a new age of man, which should be a more brutal creature that doesn’t waste its energy on the worthless and ingrates. So in actually LaVeyian Satanism is more of a philosophy rather than a religion. So now I’m sure some people are saying “Is that it?” Well, to many who follow the LaVeyian path the answer is yes. But not all. I myself live my life pretty much in the ways of THE SATANIC BIBLE. I don’t follow it like a rule book, it just fits my lifestyle. But I go beyond the LaVeyian mindset. I do in fact believe in a demonic world and the paranormal. I don’t think of these things as the religious do. I’m prone to believe there are scientific explanations for all of it. And Magic(k) is a form of science when it comes to dealing with these unknown entities. I’ve experienced many bazaar things that you could indeed call supernatural and I have no answers to explain what they are. All I can say is HP Lovecraft must have had similar experiences which influenced his writings. Because one thing is for certain and that is there is indeed something else out there beyond this dimension. And I don’t mean God! People always ask me “Are you a LaVeyian or Theistic Satanist?” These days the answer is neither and both. Make any sense? I don’t believe or bow down to any God or higher power. But I do symbolize “Satan” as that dark energy that I take from. I pay homage to it, yet I do not worship it. It is not positive or negative is just “is”. My personal name for this force of nature is Xomaly, which came to me during ritual. I dissected this name and came up with the reason for it. “X” and “Y” (represents both the Male/Female Chromosomes) the “OM” (Omega) and “AL” (Alpha). This name stands for balance. At least it does to me. So there you have it. Some people may think I am out of my mind while others may truly understand what I am talking about. The end result is simplifying forces from beyond to be either God or the Devil is insulting to our intelligence. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have all the answers, nor am I even close. But I will still continue to look for them. This universe is a massive puzzle and this world contains very few pieces of it. Ia Xomaly! Ad Maiorem Satanae Gloriam! Vincent Crowley (aka: The Devil)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 23:59:18 +0000

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