BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THIS JOURNEY OF LIFE TOGETHER WITH A STATE OF MIND, BODY, HEART AND SOUL WE CAN LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING AND HEARING THE TRUTH ABOUT OURSELVES AND OTHER PEOPLE ACTIONS AND DEEDS WHICH IS ALWAYS REALITY NOT ABOUT MAKE BELIEVE AND CHILDISH IDEOLOGY! When we reflect over all our actions and deeds in the past, we really get to see the parts weve played in all of them; good, bad or indifferant! We also are able to find closer, and identify who and what theyve made us become as a individuall and spiritual being! Facing off with our selves and the realities we have created in our own lives are the only way to accept who we are, and become who we are ment to become; we can run or hide from others, but we can run or hide from ourselves at all! We also sometime discover in vague needs of soul searches we also need some real personal healing; to get over and forgive ourselves and others, for the bullshit we allowed ourselves and other people to put us through that we have been suppressing in our lives Indeed! Acceptance is the key to all reality Indeed; most of all the parts you played in it is the qustion and the answers your looking for in freeing yourself from the twilight zone in your own minds! LOL Soul searching frees us from the past, allows us to live in the moment, and also accept the new future thats yet to come! The first step is acceptance, forgiveness is the second of yourself and others, the third is reconciliation, the past has got you where you are today, letting go and moving on! Classic closure can be difficult to reach for most, when one is not awear or conscious of the feelings, anger and resentments or all the issues holding you hostage, youve never worked on; that are still working on you! By taking time to unpack and shif through your emotional baggage you can free your own selves from the twilight zones of your own minds. Everything in all of lifes trials, starts, Ends and begins within you, to thyselves be True and the Universe shall be true on to you! Beyond your wildest Dreams. Surfs Up ¤ Godspeed Indeed!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:54:52 +0000

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