BGMF photos of the 335ths Max Wilson crew, together with one of - TopicsExpress


BGMF photos of the 335ths Max Wilson crew, together with one of the crews 231632 Z after crash landing at Dubendorf, Switzerland. Posted in memory of Ronald W. Grove, who flew aboard as tail gunner and who passed from this life earlier today. About his late Father, the Wilson crew, and their AC, BGMF president Gerald Grove shares the following lines. Staff Sgt Ronald W Grove was tail gunner on Lt Max E Wilsons crew; they arrived at Horham on 5 April 1944, first serving under 335th BS Commanding Officer, Bob Cozens until his departure for the ZoI (Zone of the Interior - continental U.S.) on 12 April 1944. They flew their first combat mission on 18 April 1944, the target being Berlin (Brandenburg area), Germany; that mission was led by LtCol David T McKnight, 95th BG Air Exec, flying in the pathfinder aircraft crewed by Lt George S Hansen crew (Lt Jesse Edgar, bombardier). Lt Max E Wilson and crew were shot down on the 24 April 1944 mission to Fredrichshafen, Germany; Lt Edward G Cunningham & crew were also shot down on this same mission. The Wilson crew, in B-17G s/n 231632, r/t letter Z, crash landed at Dubendorf, Switzerland, at 12:48 hours local time. The mission was led by Capt Raymond J Abbott, 334th BS Commanding Officer, flying in Capt Robert H Leonards B-17G (Lt William Ed Charles, navigator). The entire crew survived the crash landing and were interned by Swiss Armed Forces; on that particular mission, Lt George J Prokopec (bombardier) had a head cold and was replaced by S/Sgt John L Dzedzy, as togglier (Lt Prokopec went on to become a radarnavigat (Mickey operator) on James M Millers 95th BG pathfinder crew, completing his missions with the 95th BG & serving on the 13th CBW staff). Seven of the ten man Z,Wilson crew escaped from their internment camps during the next 8 months. Dad escaped from internment on November 25, 1944 making his way via the Canadian, Polish, & French Underground to U.S. forces in southeastern France. He returned to the ZoI and began training as an aerial gunner on B-29s in early 1945 for deployment to the Pacific, until just before cessation of hostilities.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:28:58 +0000

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