BHAGAVAD GITA Chapter XVIII: 65 Fix thy mind on me, be devoted to - TopicsExpress


BHAGAVAD GITA Chapter XVIII: 65 Fix thy mind on me, be devoted to me, sacrifice to me (work for my sake), bow down to me. Thus thou shalt come to me; truly do I promise onto thee, for thou art dear to me. Commentary Krishna sums up the yoga of the Bhagavad Gita in this single verse. It is integral yoga. It is the yoga of synthesis. It carries out a concerted attack against the worst human enemy - ignorance, and its offspring - the individualization of consciousness. As our Master often warned us, one-sided development is no development at all. It is like trying to empty the ocean with a bucket. The ego will withdraw itself from the point of attack and build itself up elsewhere, only to return and reassert itself when the seeker is non-vigilant. The meditator, the devotee of God, the selfless worker can all fall into the great error of developing atrocious spiritual vanity. The exclusive meditator might shun the world and even devotional practices as well as service; the devotee might look down upon the non-devotee; the selfless worker might feel that he is the savior of mankind - these attitudes are more dangerous than plain wickedness. They were quartered in the human personality by the urge to specialize, by an eagerness to shine above all others. Hence Krishna adds here: Practice all these - meditation, devotion, selfless service - and at the same time bow down to me, the omnipresent. True humility is born of the realization of Gods omnipresence and the unreality of the ego. When the head, the heart and the hand are all offered to God; when the thought, will and emotion are all sublimated into holiness - there is less chance of vanity creeping in. But complacency here is dangerous. While practicing all these, observe the arising of an evil or distracting thought or a temptation. That is the me. Push it out. Bow down to all feeling the presence of God, so that you will not even mistakenly feel you are superior to anyone. Then you will become pure, self-controlled and therefore divine. ~~ SWAMI VENKATESHANANDA
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 02:36:02 +0000

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