BIAFRAN SPIRITUAL LIBERATION UPDATE_19/08/2014: ...because our - TopicsExpress


BIAFRAN SPIRITUAL LIBERATION UPDATE_19/08/2014: ...because our problems are first Spiritual before Political. Fellow Biafrans. Ndewo´nu. First of all, let me disclaim that I do not support any religion at all. I fully support and work with Yahushua Immanuel Messiah (Jesus Christ) directly. Both protestants, Pentecostal, Spiritual and Catholicism have all LIED to the people; now is the time to EXPOSE them all without looking@faces. Without diving into arguments which could hinder our spiritual investigations or even alter historical facts, let me state that: Innocent Christians and innocent Muslims have been lied to by those who lead them both Politically and Religiously. So, while we were busy fighting for the PoliticalLiberation of our hijacked Nation-Biafra, the spirit of the Living God directed us (The Theocratic_Biafrans) to focus more on Spiritual Liberation of Biafra instead of Political liberation; arguing that the Political Chaoses we see today were/are caused by Spiritual decadences in our societies. From that moment, my team and I decided to indeed look into the spirituality of both Biafra, Nigeria and around the world. I then announced to my fellow Biafrans that my team and I will be focusing more on the spiritual liberation of Biafra instead of Political Liberation. This gave birth to what is today known as THEOCRATIC_BIAFRA. So far, we have uncovered that the original Jews were and are till the Blacks people of Africa. This is confirmed in Deuteronomy 28:1-End, the World histories and the present occurrences. We have also uncovered that Rome=Vatican=Catholicism hijacked Israel and the original Jews (the second hijack happened in 70 AD=History). Dominated them and remodelled the Christianity after their pagan Constantine suddenly and suspiciously converted to Christianity---Rome remodelled the Christianity by mixing Christianity with paganism=Images, idols, rituals etc. (History/Fact). Vatican then seized the original Bible and refused to allow anyone to read them. In fact, those who tried to translate the Bible were burnt alive by Vatican Catholics-FACT!. Vatican controlled the Church claiming that their Pope represents Christ on Earth-the same Rome which conspired with Corrupt Jewish priests and had Jesus Killed. After her successful hijack of the Christendom, the Roman Catholic Church seized the Bible and prohibited people from reading it. instead, she gave the people Catechism to read------an Anti-Christ behaviour. Later, Christians who understood that it is forbidden to use idols, Images, rituals etc. in their worship of the true God; among other Spiritual odds (Exodus 20:4-5) protested and left the Catholic Church. From there, we now have Millions of different churches most of which preach prosperity expectedly. Ever since then the extermination of True Christians and original Jews has been a project the Vatican has ever pursued. remember the role of the Catholic Church/Vatican City during the First and Second World wars------Remember the ugly holocaust°History. We hereby accuse the Catholic Church and the Vatican of genocides against other Christians and the original Jews. You also have to investigate this for yourselves. Even Pope John Paul II apologised to the world for these atrocities (it is on record). In other to truly exterminate the Jews and Christians, Roman Catholic fathered Islam and used Islam to complete the Job. It worked. However, Vatican underrated the intelligence of the then young Islamic prophet Muhammed. Vatican only realized their error when Muhammed conquered the place where the Islamic Dome is presently located in Jerusalem and refused to hand it over to the Pope as agreed. Then Islam clashed with Vatican. Lot s of wars have been fought and blood unnecessary wasted. This history goes on and on----deceptions, lies and outright betrayals against other Christians and Jews. The same war is not over yet°ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and the quest for Jerusalem. Soon and very soon, you will know what is happening and who truly is behind Boko Haram, ISIS, Al Qaeda. To help you with your researches, let me inform you that Everything that has gone wrong in this world went wrong because of the Zionists, The Jesuits, United Nations, New World Order and Illuminati/Freemasonry Secret Societies; and The Pope and Vatican control all these Organizations just for World dominance. The WW3 is almost here. We hereby accuse the Vatican City/ Catholic Church of being the father of Islam. Please research also because you are educated. All I can do is to provide you information. Just recently, Pope Francis called and launched a One World Religion °°°°°°the religious Arm of the dreaded New World order of Illuminati---according to him, everyone must come back to Catholicism again including the Muslims. In fact he (pope Francis) has already started worshipping with Muslims Top Leaders in the Vatican (Latest development) Do you want to know what was revealed in the Books of Daniel and Revelation regarding the position of the Catholic Pope and the kings of the Earth. They are all documented for us as prophesies of the End. So, please stop becoming offended when the dark history of Catholic Church is discussed. We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to have Biafra Spiritually liberated and Cleansed. meanwhile those who belong to Theocratic_Biafra are already liberated because Theocracy does not need permission from Democracy before it can Exist. We will Obey God than men. Udo!! (Shalom!) Engr. Engr Obioha Ezekwesiri Ict The Last Messenger Adviser: Theocratic_Biafra youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=o_cbAgOuz5I U-REPORT@BUTv BIAFRAN UNITY TELEVISION (BUTv) Click here: https://facebook/groups/BiafranUnityTelevision/
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:02:13 +0000

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