BIAFRANS TO BOYCOTT THIS NIGERIAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE-A NATIONAL CONFERENCE WITHOUT SOVEREIGNTY POSSIBILITY. EXPECT ANARCHY. Chukwuma Egemba (BHRI UK DIRECTOR) At last, the veil had been lifted on the long awaited details or modalities for the so call National Conference with little or no surprises. However, I cannot believe that such conference with ethnic nationalities and groups with different interest will take place with conditions attached. That the ‘indivisibility and indissolubility of Nigeria’ will not be discussed at the conference is not acceptable and as such, the conference is a failure, even before it started. It is for this purpose – free and uninhabited discussion and agreement on the terms and conditions of belonging to a union and delegation of their sovereignty - that Nigerian people clamoured for conference, why deny them their wish. Bye the way, this is not the last on this matter. It is unlikely that the conference will convene before June 2014 and the general outcome will be a big failure unless all the conditions attached are removed and ethnic nations and groups allowed to freely discuss and decide what they want – their fate and who to entrust their sovereignty. It is my humble contention that the conference will disrupt the electoral calendar – which will be good news that will spell doom to the already expired, fraudulent, exploitative and oppressive federal regime. The era of imposition, dictatorship and domination is over. Again, I am surprised that the announcement was made when the President was away in Addis-Abba attending AU summit. Is he in charge of Aso Rock in his absence? Is he fully aware and supportive of the modalities as announced? Is he being undermined by the recognised and accommodated ‘enemies within’ Aso Rock and beyond? The following few weeks and months will be most interesting as 492 (far too many) delegates to the conference are nominated and accredited. As usual, it will most likely be made up of the ‘formers’ and ‘has beens’, the usual suspects. Moreover, with a budget of N7 billions and counting, the struggle to be part of the conference will be fiancé and ruthless – characteristically, many people will bribe their way into the conference delegate. This will be one of those useless, worthless and expensive ventures by the government without anything to show for it. The Indigenous People of Biafra will not be part of the conference if the issue of our sovereignty or at the very least our autonomy will not be discussed and guaranteed.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 02:56:21 +0000

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