BIBLE STUDIES FOR MISSEF NWZ THEME: EXPERIENCING GOD UNIT 1: GOD’S WILL AND YOUR LIFE GUILDLINES: Your teacher For The Study: The Holy Spirit of God will be your personal Teacher (John14:26). He is the One who will guild you to apply these principles according to God’s will. He will be at work revealing God, His purposes, and His ways to you. Jesus said, “ if anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own”(John7:17). Also, the Holy Spirit in you will confirm in your heart the truth of the scripture. Your Authority: The Bible is God’s word to you. The Holy Spirit honours and uses God’s word in speaking to you. The scriptures will be your source of authority for faith and practice. You cannot depend on traditions, your experience, or the experience of others to be accurate authorities on God’s will and ways. Experience and traditions must always be examined against the teaching of Scripture. Anything significant that happens in your life will be a result of God’s activity in your life. He is infinitely more interested in your life than you or I could possibly be. Do not skip learning activities: These are designed to help you learn and apply the truths to life. Many of the activities are designed to lead you to interaction with God through prayer, meditations, and Bible Study LESSON 1: JESUS IS YOUR WAY Memory verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John15:5 CENTRAL TRUTH: As you follow Jesus one day at a time, He will keep you right in the centre of God’s will. Introduction: Jesus said, “This is eternal life: that they may know the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John17:3). The heart of eternal life and the heart of this study is for you to KNOW GOD and to KNOW JESUS CHRIST whom He has sent. Knowing God does not come through a program or a method. It is a relationship with a Person. It is an intimate love relationship with God. Through this relationship, God reveals His will and invites you to join Him where He is already at work. When you obey, God accomplishes through you something only He can do. Then you came to KNOW GOD in a more intimate way by EXPERIENCING GOD at work through you Relationship To Jesus Christ-a prerequisite: In this study, it is assumed that you have already trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour and you acknowledge Him to be Lord over your life, if you have not made this important decision in your life, the rest of the study will have little meaning in your life because spirituals can only be understood by those who have the indwelling Spirit of Christ (1Cor.2:14) If you sense a need to accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, now is the time to settle this matter with God. Ask God to speak to you as you read the following Scriptures: • Romans 3:23-All have sinned. • Romans 6:23-Eternal life is a free gift of god • Romans5:8-Because of love, Jesus paid the death penalty for your sins • Romans 10:9-10- Confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead • Romans 10:13-Ask god to save you and He will To place your faith in Jesus and receive His gift of eternal life you must: • Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need a saving relationship with Jesus Christ • Confess (agree with God about) your sins • Repent of your sins(turn from sin to God) • Ask Jesus to save you by His grace • Turn over the rule in your life to Jesus. Let Him be your Lord If you need counselling, call on your pastor, a deacon, or a Christian friend for help. You have just made this important decision, call someone and share the Goodnews of what God has done in your life. Then share your decision with your church. Looking for more in your experience with God? You may have been frustrated in your Christian experience because you know God has a more abundant life for you than you have experienced. Or you may earnestly desire God’s directions for your life and ministry. You may have experienced tragedy in your life. Standing bewildered in the middle of a broken life, you don’t know what to do. Whatever your present circumstances may be, my earnest prayer is that somehow in this time together you will be able to: • Hear when God is speaking to you • Clearly identify the activity of God in your life • Believe Him to be and do everything He promises • Adjust your beliefs, character, and behaviour to Him and His ways • See a direction that He is taking in your life and what He wants to do through your life • Clearly know what you need to do in response to His activity in your life and • Experience God doing through you what only God can do! INTO THE STUDY: JESUS THE WAY A farmer told his pastor, ‘Nafiu, come out and visit me at my farm.” His direction went like this: “Go a quarter mile past the edge of the city and you will see a big red barn on your left. Go the next road and turn to your left. Take that road for three-quarters of a mile. You will see a tree. Go right for about four miles, and then you will see a big rock…” He wrote all the instruction down, and one day he got to the farm. The next time he went to the farmer’s house, the farmer was with him. Since there was more than one way to get to his house, he could have taken him any way he wanted to. You see , the farmer was the pastor’s “map.” What did the pastor have to do? He simply had to listen to the farmer, obey him. Every time the farmer said, “turn” he did just what he said. He took him the way he had never been. The pastor couldn’t have retraced the path on his own,the farmer was his “map;” he knew the way Jesus Is The One That Invited You Into His Father’s Will Not Yourself: The day you accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour and Lord, that same day, He invited you into God’s nature, God’s purposes and God’s way. All you live the rest of your life to do is to willingly align yourself into this nature, purposes and way. Anything otherwise will launch you into error and land you in hell-fire .And to align yourself into these patterns of God, you must follow the One who hath called you; who hath the map of where he intended for your life and whom he wants you to be with at the end of your earthly life. When you come to the Lord Jesus to seek His will for your life, which of the following request is most like what you ask? Check your response. 1.Lord, what do you want me to do? When do you want me to do it? How shall I do it? Where shall I do it? Who do you want me to involve along the way? And please tell me what the outcome will be. 2. Lord, just tell me what to do one step at a time, and I will do it. Isn’t the first response most typical of us? We are always asking God for a detailed “ raod map.” We say, “Lord, if You could just tell me where I am heading, then I will be able to set my course and go.” He says, “You don’t need to. What you need to do is follow Me one day at a time. “ We need to come to the place where the second response is ours “I am the way and the truth and the life.” John14:6 Who is it that really knows the way for you to go fulfil God’s purpose for your life? God is, Jesus said, “I am the way.” • He did not say, “I will show you the way.” • He did not say, “I will give you road map.” • He did not say, “I will tell you which direction to head.” • He said, “I am the way. “ Jesus knows the ways; He is your way If you were to do everything that Jesus tells you one day at a time, do you suppose that you always would be right in the centre of where God wants you to be? Check your responses 1. No, Jesus does not really know God’s will for my life. 2. No Jesus might mislead me and take me the wrong way. 3. Well Jesus would rather I wait until He tells me all the details before I start to follow Him 4. Yes, if I follow Jesus one day at a time, I will be right in the center of God’s will for my life. When you get to the place where you trust Jesus to guild you one step at a time you experience a new freedom. If you don’t trust Jesus to guild you this way, what happens if you don’t know the way you are to go? You worry every time you must make turn. You often freeze up and cannot make a decision. This is not the way God intends for you to live your life. Read About the Call of Abram To God’s Will; Gen 12:1-5 What did God say? How specific was He? “Leave” and “go”. Go where? To a land I will show you.” Are You Ready To Follow God’s Will Thay Way?
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 13:08:32 +0000

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