BIBLE TRUTH ON CHRISTMAS!!Bible says Howbeit then,when ye knew not - TopicsExpress


BIBLE TRUTH ON CHRISTMAS!!Bible says Howbeit then,when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are not gods. But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements,whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain(Galatian4:8-11).It is pity today that the house of the Lord where the word of God must be rightly divided has been turned into celebration field. Bible says Study to shew thyself approved unto God,a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth(2Timothy2:15).People are not study the word of God today but listening to stories,imaginations,and religions teachings that contradict the word of God. Christmas originated from Roman pagan idol worship called saturnalia.Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. Bible says Prove all things;hold fast that which is good(1Thessalonians5:21). The truth is that Jesus was not born on 25 December and we are not commanded to celebrate his birth.Bible says A GOOD name is better than precious ointment;and the day of death than the day of ones birth(Ecclesiastes7:1).Scripture cannot be broken that is why Jesus command us to celebrate his death through breaking of bread,rather than idolatry christmas celebration.Apostles of Jesus Christ didnt celebrate christmas,nor the early christian.Bible says According to the grace of God which is given unto me,as a wise masterbuider,I have laid the foundation,and another buildeth thereupon.For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,which is Jesus Christ(1Cor3:10-11).Christmas is not the doctrine of Christ but Romancatholicism.By celebrating Christmas means lay another foundation which is different from the one laid by Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Why do we have different doctrines today? Whereas we have only one Bible.Because today christian believed in forktales,traditions,imaginations,philosophies and Roman customs rather than infallible word of God.Bible says For ever,O LORD,thy word is settled in heaven(Psalm119:89).Unscriptural holy day is condemned.Bible says But though we,or an angel from heaven,preach any other gospel unto than that which we have preached unto you,let him be accursed(Galatian1:8).Now,It is not angel that brought this idolatry christmas that you have believed and accepted but Romancatholicism.God warned us not to accept any other gospel except his word that has been entrusted unto us.The very name Christmas combining the holy name of Christ with the pagan mass,pollute and profane Gods holy name.God will not accept such pagan and superstitious worship.Bible says And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect:and make no mention of the name of other gods,neither let it be heard out of thy mouth(Exodus23:13).Doesnt it seem rather strange that the so-called christian should choose a day to celebrate the messiahs birth which was identified as the the day of the birth of unconquerable sun.Christian did not destroy paganism,but christian adopted it.Who is a father Christmas?HIS FATHER CHRISTMAS GOD OR JOSEPH?JESUS said,And call no man your father upon the earth:For one is your father,which is in heaven(Matthew23:9).Santa clautus is a god to the children of the world,or as some say,father christmas.The parents purposely lie to their children,and lying is strongly condemned in the Bible.Bible says wherefore putting away lying,speak every man truth with his neighbour:for we are members one of another(Ephesian4:25,Prov6:16-19,1John2:21-22,Rev21:8).Parents tell their children to fear Father christmas or santa clautus because he knows if you have been bad or good.Parents also paid for their children to receive worldly gifts from father christmas or santa clautus which the scripture condemned.Bible says But peter said unto him,thy money perish with thee,because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money(Acts8:20).Because of religion parents teach their children fake story.You dont need to tell lie because you want to serve or worship God.That is why today christian has become professional liar.Bible says Train up a child in the way he should go:and when he is old,he will not depart from it(proverb22:6).Christians are adding under the umbrella of religion and the evil practice of Rome to teach their children to lie and also to lie to their God.Bible says Sanctify them through thy truth:thy word is truth(John17:17).The word of God is truth.Christians are not contented with the truth word of God and they are still going to the Error of Rome.Bible said,Roman people are religion but their religious are not according to the word of God.Why are you imitating the Error of Rome?Bible says For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God,but not according to knowledge(Roman10:2).The one thing we know for sure is that Jesus was not born in the winter time,as tradition teach,but in warm weather.Because in Bethlehem,Jerusalem and palestine,the shepherds do not take their flocks out in the fields during the winter.They dont today and they didnt 2,000 years ago.Everybody knows that Jesus was not born on December 25th.Bible says The secret things belong unto the LORD our God:but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our Children for ever,that we may do all the words of this law(Deut29:29).Why are you still building Babel today?Telling others people what God has not revealed to you or doing what God has not revealed to you is like building Babel.There is purpose why God didnt reveal the date of birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to anyone on this earth.Religion always fine what was not lost and ignore what was lost.Truth and righteousness has lost in the church today but believers are running after celebration.False doctrine has one purpose to deceive you and make you turn away from true faith.It probably has a lot of truth mixed in with it but the ultimate goal is to turn you away.Christmas has a truth mixed in with false.Christ plus Roman error teaching of mass.How many wise visited Jesus?Religion people say three when Bible was silent.Bible didnt mention how many wise men there were.Bible only mention three gifts(matthew2:11).And people assume from their own wisdom that there were three wise men because three gifts when Bible didnt say anything about that.We cannot serve God in our own imaginations,thoughts and doctrines of men.Bible didnt say how many wise men visited Jesus.Anything that is not written in the Bible is not met for your sanctification and your service to God.Christmas was celebrated by heathens thousands of years before Jesus was even born.One of their customs was to decorate a tree with silver and gold ornaments.Today christian claims that they are not celebrating idol called saturnalia or sun gods.A simple question is this!Where does Christmas tree originated from or what does tree has to do with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ?Christmas tree originated from pagans customs which God condemned.Bible says Thus saith the LORD,learn not the way of the heathen,and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven;for the heathen are dismayed at them.For the customs of the people are vain:for one cutteth a tree out of the forest,the work of the hands of the workman,with the axe(Jeremiah10:2-3).Christmas worshippers are worshiped in vain.It is pity today that almost every Bible believing churches preached that Romancatholicism is the great mother of harlot but they are embracing all Romancatholic unholy day celebration introduced to the christiandom.You must ask yourself this question!Did God accept the Apostles and early christians worship without celebrating christmas.If your answer is yes,why do you need to partake in the whore of Romancatholic.Jesus said to his disciples,If you hold to my teaching,you are really my disciples,then you will know the truth,and the truth will set you free-free from the shackles of error,religion bondage,superstition,mythology,and pagan deception.(John8:32).Christmas is pagan There is no doubt about it.What standard will you use today?Will you accept the recorded facts of history found in Gods word-or continue with the Romancatholism false teaching?Romanc atholism has led many soul astray through their false teaching.God doesnt put anybody in bondage in his word.Romancatho lism replaced Bible with traditions and teachings of men.How will you choose to worship him-in spirit and in truth,or in fraud and in fable?So what the preachers are teaching about the Christmas today is a total lie and whoever believe or take part in it is out of the will of God and lost forever.Over 200years now Roman catholism has been lead many soul astray through their traditions and false teaching of christmas .The most important is for you to believe that Jesus came to this world to died for your sin and resurrected on the third day.Romancathol ism is a lie of the devil,a prison-house of religion.If i didnt sincerely care about people,then i wouldnt take the time to warn you.The romancatholism religion is all a bunch of satanic lies based upon traditions and ridiculous manipulations of the word of God.I plead with you as a brother,obey the Bible by turning to the LORD JESUS CHRIST in faith and forsaking the mother of Harlots.The great whore of the catholic church will take you to hell with them,if you are foolish enough to follow them.Salvation is not found in a religion,but in a person-the Lord Jesus Christ.Romancat holism make people reject the author of life and which is Christ and embrace religion books.Bible is the authority of Gods word not religion books.I plead with you in Jesus name to forsake the Queen of heaven and turn to the LORD JESUS CHRIST alone for your salvation.But if our gospel be hid,it is hid to them that are lost.2Cor4:3.P eace
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 19:19:10 +0000

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