BIBLE VERSE...John 14:6...I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. - TopicsExpress


BIBLE VERSE...John 14:6...I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. When Jesus walked this earth, His mission was to call sinners to repentance. God wanted reconciliation with us...a renewed relationship with us. Even up to this writing He is calling us. But how many of us will answer His call? The other day, myself and a friend were walking and there was a street preacher preaching fire and brimstone! My friend became upset at this preacher and stated, These people do more to turn people away from God...than to get them to God! They scare the people away! They need to preach the love of God and not the wrath of God! I thought about that for a moment and replied, Sometimes, God sends people to preach warnings with fire and brimstone to get their attention because they refuse to believe in the love and mercy and saving grace of God. Remember Jeremiahs ministry? Jeremiah preached fire and brimstone because at first the Jews would not listen to him or heed Gods mercy for them. And we all know that because the Jews refused to listen they were entered into exile for 70 years. Jesus himself taught and warned the people of the fires of hell and the lake of fire throughout His ministry. He told the people point blank its a place of darkness where the fire never dies and the worms will eat your flesh and bones. Jesus always preached of the tender mercies of God and then warned what would happen to us if we rejected him. Jesus taught both sides of the coin! It is our choice which side we want to be on. How many times in the Gospels did we see Jesus go off! People have been deceived by the evil one. Ex: There are many paths to God. Wrong! There are no paths to God. You will say, All religions lead to God. Really? What religions...what God? Religions are man made! Religion is mans useless attempt to reach God. Jesus is Gods way of reaching man! You will say, Well...Im a good person. God says, There is no one good, not one. You will say, Well, I do good works and therefore I will earn my way to heaven. God says, Your works are filthy bloody menstrual rags before me. Ill ask ya this...if you do good it so you can feel good about yourself, get a pat on the back from man...or is it for the glory of God you do your works. Remember, disciples of Christ have good works appointed unto them to do...its one of our seals of authenticity of being in Christ. We will be rewarded by Jesus for completing those works...but those works does not earn us a spot in heaven. There are times when God has to put the boots to our rear ends to discipline us when we stray...Hes our Father and all loving fathers at times has to have a hands on approach to disciplining us so we dont end up lost. If every now and then I need a fire and brimstone preaching...I will listen to it and I will heed it as many times it will take. God said it grieves Him to see a sinner die in their sins. How long O long? Remember...Gods love for us is so great that He sent His one and only Son to suffer and die for us. And if we repent, surrender and receive Him...we will be with him for all eternity! Thats love! Praise be to God the Father...Son and Holy Spirit forever! Amen!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:47:21 +0000

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