BIBLICAL SIGNIFICANCE TO ROMAN’S EUCHARIST I do not wish to continue speaking about the Roman Catholic for now, but someone inboxed and asked me to explain more on the scriptural significance of how the Roman Catholic serve the bread in Communion. So I will briefly answer him on this platform: I mentioned three distorted way the Roman Catholics serve Communion to their wards: 1. In the Communion, Roman Catholicism remove ‘Take’ away from their wards in practice, but leave only the ‘Eat’ for them: This means, they serve the bread directly to their mouth, instead of them receiving with their hand first. There is difference between when a man eats food directly with his mouth, and when a man uses his hand to draw the food to his mouth: When a man introduces his hand between the source of the food and his mouth, it gives him the brief chance to weigh what he is about to eat or examine it – A man who uses his hand to collect a food or drink before eating or drinking, has more discernment over that food or drink than the man who uses mouth or tongue to directly collect the food from the source or giver. The only way to know whether an animal has hand, is when the animal first uses its hand to collect or hold food before eating: Every other animal that uses mouth to eat directly from the collection of food, has only legs; but the animal that uses hand or tentacle to collect food from the collection of food before eating has hand or tentacle (E.g. Monkeys, Apes, animals or insects with tentacles etc.) Well to present scriptural significance, let‘s see one of the ways how God selected the armies of Gideon: As it is written, “And the LORD said to Gideon, “The people are yet too many; bring them down to the water, and I will try them for you there: and it shall be, that of whom I say to you, ‘This shall go with you’, the same shall go with you; and of whomsoever I say to you, ‘This shall not go with you’, the same shall not go.” So he brought down the people to the water: and the LORD said to Gideon, “Every one that laps of the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, him shall you set by himself; likewise every one that bows down upon his knees to drink”. And the number of those that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water. And the LORD said unto Gideon, “By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place.”” (Judges 7:4-7) You can see that all those who bent down and collected the water directly with their mouth were screened out to the army of the Lord under Gideon’s command, while only those who first collected the water with their hand before from their own hand were chosen – just three hundred men: For many are called, but few are chosen – even in the Military. 2. In the Communion, Roman Catholicism remove ‘Drink’ away from their wards in practice, but leave only the ‘Eat’ for them: This means they serve only the bread without the wine in cup. Serving the cup of drink in Holy Communion is more important than serving the bread – the bread speaks of the sacrifice, but the blood speaks of the New Testament: Sacrifice without testament is useless, for what use is having you break your body for me, when that does not translate to a Testament which God will respect forever. Without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin, even if the body is broken. Therefore by not partaking of the drink in the Holy Communion, the significance is that the wards in the Roman Catholic are not partaking of the New Testament in the blood of Jesus. Moreover, to show you how much the drinking of the communion is more than that of the eating, Jesus took the cup twice in the Holy Communion, but took the bread only once: He first took the when they were still dinning, according to Luke 22:17-18; then, He took the bread when they were dinning, according to Luke 22:19; then again, He later took the Cup the second time now after they finished dinning, according to Luke 22:20. But the next time he took bread after dinning, was for him to dip the bread and give to only Judas Iscariot, which led to Satan entering Judas (John 13:26-27): By then, they had already finished dinning and Jesus had already rose from his dinning table and washed his disciples feet (John 13:2-5), before Jesus sat again and then took a bread and dipped it to give to Judas. This brings mean to speak on the third distorted way Roman Catholicism offers the Communion to their wards. 3. In the Communion, Roman Catholicism dips the bread into the cup of drink: And then serve the bread to their wards from the cup or goblet. And I must say this, it is not only the Roman Catholics that have distortion in Holy Communion service; there are other churches in which there is distortion also. But the right way is the way the LORD did it and gave to us through the gospel of his Apostles. I have taught on this before on my Facebook Page (Link Below): https://facebook/VoicesAndVisionsOfDaysAndNights?ref=hl So I will bring it up again on this platform, so I plead with my friends who are subscribed to that page, to pardon and permit me to repeat what I taught on that page here, concerning “Breaking of Bread in Communion”.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:10:37 +0000

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