BIBLIOLOGY : A Study of the Bible.... (August 14, 2014) Bible - TopicsExpress


BIBLIOLOGY : A Study of the Bible.... (August 14, 2014) Bible Survey : Nehemiah Introduction 1. Author: Nehemiah. We first see Nehemiah as the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes. He is later appointed Governor of Judah, which position he held for about 12 years. 2. Recipients: Not specifically stated. 3. Date: The book covers about 12 years. This would be approximately 444-432 BC. 4. Purpose of book: The book begins about 12 years after the close of Ezra (Ezra 7:8; Neh. 2:1). A great revival had taken place at the time, but now we find the people in a very depressed condition again. Almost 100 years have now elapsed since the first return under Zerubbabel. The Temple has been completed, but the people are persecuted by their adversaries and unable to rebuild the wall of the city (Neh. 1:3). Ezra is still present as a priest and teacher, but now Nehemiah comes as Governor with official instructions to rebuild the city (2:5). The first step is to rebuild the walls. This book tells how, under Nehemiah, the walls are rebuilt and the people revived. 5. Theme: Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 1 Verses 4-11 – Nehemiah prays that the King will reverse the decision he had made as recorded in Ezra 4:21. Verse 11 – Nehemiah was the King’s cupbearer. Nehemiah 2 Nehemiah 3 – The rebuilding of the walls. Nehemiah 4 Verse 16 – It became necessary for half of the people to work while half stood guard. Verse 17 – Even the workers held a weapon while they worked. Nehemiah 6 Verse 15 – It took only 52 days to complete the wall. 47 Nehemiah 7 Verse 73b – A major turn is made in the book of Nehemiah at 7:73b. The shift is from the physical and material building to building for spiritual security. Nehemiah 8 Verses 1-8 – Ezra reads the law to the people. Verse 9 – The people become convicted of sin and weep. Nehemiah 13 Verses 1-3 – Israel obeys the Law in excluding foreigners from Israel. Verses 4-6 – While Nehemiah was gone, Tobiah, an Ammonnite, was given a large room in the court of the Temple. Malachi’s ministry took place during this time. Verses 7-9 – Nehemiah, upon returning, throws Tobiah out of this room. Verse 10 – Nehemiah also discovered that the Levites had not been receiving their tithes while he was gone. Verses 11-13 – Nehemiah develops a plan to straighten out this problem. Verses 15-18 – Some Jews were preparing and transporting wares on the Sabbath and Phoenician traders were actually selling on the Sabbath (this is a violation of the covenant made in 10:31). Verses 19-21 – Nehemiah refuses to allow the people to break this covenant. Verses 23-24 – The sin of mixed marriages had erupted again (Ezra 9:1-4; 10:44; Neh. 10:30). Verse 25 – Because of this, Nehemiah cursed, struck, pulled hair and made the offenders swear by God not to do this again. (see Ezra 9:13). Verse 26 – No matter how great we are, if we play with sin it will cause us to fall. Verse 28 – Nehemiah even kicks out one of the priests for marrying Sanballat’s daughter. What a difference one person can make.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 06:05:04 +0000

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