BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE ROHATS FAMILY Please read through the - TopicsExpress


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE ROHATS FAMILY Please read through the Background and History Page: daniel3385.wix/daniilsadoption The BIG announcement! We SO need some happiness in our lives! Many of you may know that Ashley and I hosted two Latvian orphans for 5 weeks during the Christmas season in 2012. A boy and a girl, brother and sister. It was a great experience all around for the whole family. In our minds and our hearts we have always wanted to adopt children in addition to our two home grown little girls. We felt that these two would make a great addition to our family. We knew there would be tough times and challenges, but we had already decided to go through and started the long and expensive process.Through our interaction, the boy was eager to be part of our family. Playing with our children, our pets, he was well mannered and polite. He was not perfect of course, no one is but over all a well behaved child. The sister did not want to be part of the family and was really here for a vacation as it were. Which was fine, we loved on her and cared for her as if she was one of our own. The Latvian adoption courts will not separate a sibling group for adoption, something we completely understand and agree with. The boy desperately wanted to be adopted, but his sister did not. We did some research, talked to several adoption counselors and were told that it would not happen despite all our efforts and work. We have kept in touch with the boy via the internet for the past year. We tell him that we love them both and pray for him and his sister often and hope that they are doing well. It recently came to our attention that he, the boy of 12 years old has gone through the process of legally separating from his sister. This means that he can now be legally adopted separately from her and the courts will allow the siblings to be split up as the girl does not want to be adopted, but the boy does. This is an amazing gift and blessing from God above! To inspire a boy of 12 to legally separate from his sister! AMAZING! The boy played so well with our own children and pets. He was respectful and kind and we are now committed to making him a permanent part of our family. We are writing this letter to you, our family and friends (and since it is on the internet, to complete strangers) to ask if you can help us start raising money for a summer hosting session and the permanent adoption. The summer hosting session is $3,000 for the summer. That does not include clothing that we have to provide for his return trip. The $3,000 only covers the airfare, visa, and travel related costs. After the summer hosting session is completed, the permanent adoption costs could be up to $45,000 for the entire process. We are asking you all to PRAY for us in this matter first and foremost. Even when this is all said and done, remember that this is an orphan child that has not had a real family for his entire life. He needs our love, our attention, our prayers, and support. Please also prayerfully consider if you can donate towards this adoption. But please please, pray for love, wisdom, patience and understanding in this major event in the lives of our family and in the life of this precious child who so desperately wants a family of his own.Thank you all for your prayers, support, words of encouragement in this endeavor. With all of our love; Daniel, Ashley, Madison, and Hayley
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:46:50 +0000

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