BIG BANG THEORY IS WRONG - KRISHNA IS THE CAUSE OF ALL CAUSES SRILA PRABHUPADAS MOST AMBITIOUS MEGA PROJECT SRI MAYAPUR CHANDRODAYA TEMPLE OF THE VEDIC PLANETARIUM (TOVP) THE BIGGEST VEDIC TEMPLE IN THE WORLD THE SPIRITUAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, SRI MAYAPUR DHAM, NADIA, WEST BENGAL, INDIA KARTIKA MESSAGE FROM HIS GRACE RADHA JIVAN DAS WE SHALL ALL CONTRIBUTE TO THIS LARGEST TEMPLE OF THE WORLD Visit us at: mayapur/ Follow us at: facebook/mayapur.tovp Watch us at: youtube/user/tovpinfo e-Newsletter at: oi.vresp/?fid=b07e4abbe5 https://youtube/watch?v=gTYHpc20e6E - Mayapur Chandrodaya Temple of the Vedic Planetarium https://youtube/watch?v=KBeXQrwMoZQ - MAYAPUR CHANDRODAYA MANDIR - THE TEMPLE OF VEDIC PLANETARIUM - SRILA PRABHUPADAS VISION Dear Devotees, Greetings from Sri Dhama Mayapur. The auspicious Kartika month is soon approaching, a favorite month of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas when we are always trying to do extra seva to make advancement and receive the mercy of the Lord. During this month devotional service is enhanced a thousand-fold and brings the devotee immense spiritual benefits. The TOVP team is providing an opportunity to offer a lamp in your name to Sri Sri Radha Madhava in Mayapur for the entire month of Kartika. All devotees who donate a minimum of one Golden Brick for the TOVP project will have a Kartika lamp offered in their name in Sri Dhama Mayapur. Please take advantage of this extra seva opportunity during Kartika and come forward to help develop Srila Prabhupada’s most ambitious project and the world headquarters of ISKCON. Devotees who have already donated a Golden Brick will also have a lamp offered in their name. To donate a Golden Brick please go to In Canada contact: tovpcanada@gmail Your humble servants, The TOVP Team --------------------------------------- timesofindia.indiatimes/city/kolkata/Mayapur-to-get-largest-Vedic-temple/articleshow/18682959.cms KOLKATA: Come 2016 and Sri Mayapur will feature on the must-visit list of tourists and devotees. If things go according to plans, the small town - the headquarter of Iskcon - will boast the biggest Vedic temple of the world. The temple with a height of 340 feet has been named Chandrodaya Mandir and in its completion will be a grand spectacle, bigger than the Hagia Sophia of Istanbul. The first phase of the temple is being built by Alfred Ford, the great grandson of the founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford. Sources said construction is under way and the temple will be completed in 2016, the year Iskcon - the religious order founded by Srila Prabhupada - is set to celebrate its the 50th anniversary. The temple would have 675,000 square feet of covered area, of which Alfred Ford himself is building 425,000 square feet area. The remaining 250,000 square feet area would be built with subscriptions from the public for which an appeal was made on Monday. Each devotee can contribute towards the construction of just one square feet of the temple. Talking to the media on Monday, Ford said why he was taking particular interest to help build the Chandrodaya Temple. It is coming up at the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and is my tribute to Srila Prabhupada, who initiated me into Iskcon. Way back in 1976, Prabhupada had asked me, a young disciple then, to build this temple of his dreams. I am grateful to Lord Krishna that I have been able to do it, he said. Interestingly, his wife Sharmila is a Bengali from Naihati. Nearly four million visitors come to Mayapur annually. We hope that after the Chandrodaya Temple comes up, this will go up to 10 million. Alongside the temple, we are also building a modern township to accommodate this extra influx into Mayapur, added Ford. Unlike conventional Hindu temple structures, the Chandrodaya Temple is full of huge columns and domes, representative of Western architecture. A 75-feet domed planetarium theatre, the largest of its kind in India, will be one of the unique features of the temple that is being built with imported stainless steel. Sources said the temple was apparently prophesized 500 years ago by Lord Nityananda, a close associate of Shri Chaitanya. Apart from being a place of worship, it will also be a centre for Vedic knowledge, culture and science. The temple is being built at an estimated cost of 75 million USD. In 2016, the first phase of the temple will be completed. It will be sometime before the second phase is completed thereafter, Ford said. Iskcon also plans to invite the likes of Queen Elizabeth and the US President apart from the President of India for the opening of the first phase of the temple. Though the plan was initially launched in 2006, however, certain changes in design had to be made as advised by the then state government because the area is flood prone. The earlier plan was grander than the present scale, said sources. On being asked if he had any investment plans in Bengal, Ford promptly replied that though he didnt have any at present, he might think about setting up a nanotechnology park in the near future. --------------------------------------- Information about Kartika (Damodara) Vrata: Performing vrata in the month of Kartika (Damodara) is glorified profusely in the Puranas. Since this month is very dear to Lord Krsna by performing austerities, or restraining one’s sense gratification and performing activities to please the senses of the Lord, one becomes very dear to the Lord. As Satya yuga is the best of yugas, as the Vedas are the best of scriptures, as Ganga is the best of rivers, so Kartika is the best of months, the most dear to Lord Krsna. The vrata may begin on the ekadasi of the waxing moon of Asvina, on the Purnima, or (samkranti) when the sun enters the house of Libra. Five activities are glorified: staying awake, early morning bath, worship of Tulasi, offering lamps and performing austerities. One should practice brahmacarya, give charity, and perform homa and japa. One should increase ones devotional service by performing more deity worship, hearing and speaking about the Lord, by extra japa of the Lords name, worshiping Tulasi, staying awake at night chanting, visiting holy tirthas and offering lamps to the Lord. One should worship Radha Damodara and recite the Damodarastaka daily. The Glories of Kartika Vrata from Hari Bhakti Vilasa The following are selected scriptural quotes from the Kartika Mahatmya by Srila Sanatana Goswami “Especially in the month of Karttika a Vaisnava should regularly bathe in the morning, worship Lord Damodara, give charity, follow vows, and perform other spiritual activities.” The pious result obtained by bathing in all holy places and giving all charities is not equal to one ten-millionth part of the result obtained by following the vow of Karttika.” Other vows bring the results of a lifetime of pious deeds. The vow of Karttika brings the result of a hundred lifetimes of pious deeds.” A person who never performs yajnas or offers sraddha to the ancestors, but who does follow the vow of Karttika, will go to the abode of Lord Visnu.” He attains a great result who even very slightly follows the very sacred Karttika vow, which is served by the demigods, sages, and pitas.” Charity, yajna, japa, and austerity performed in the month of Karttika bring a result, O best of brahmanas, that will never be destroyed. O tiger of sages, a person who during the month of Karttika eagerly hears the topics of Lord Krsna delivers a hundred generations of his family.” Please hear the glories of offering a lamp during the month of Karttika, an offering that is very pleasing to Lord Kesava. O king of brahmanas, a person who offers a lamp in this way will not take birth again in this world.” By offering a lamp during the month of Karttika one attains a pious result ten million times greater than the result obtained by bathing at Kuruksetra during a solar a eclipse or by bathing in the river Narmada during a lunar eclipse.” Even if there are no mantras, no pious deeds, and no purity, everything becomes perfect when a person offers a lamp during the month of Karttika.” By offering a lamp during the month of Karttika one burns away a collection of sins as big as Mount Meru or Mount Mandara. Of this there is no doubt.” O Narada, no sin exists anywhere in the three worlds that will not be purified by offering a lamp to Lord Kesava during Karttika.” A person who offers a lamp to Lord Krsna during Karttika attains the eternal spiritual world where there is no suffering.” All holy places, yajnas, daksinas, residence in Puskar, Kuruksetra, and the Himalayas, and all giving in charity a pile of gold like Mount Meru, reside in Karttika, Lord Krsnas favorite month.” The service one does to Lord Visnu in the month of Karttika is all eternal. O Narada, I tell you the truth.” Karttika is the best of months, the most pious of pious deeds, the most purifying of all that purify. No month is like Karttika. No yuga is like Satya-yuga. No scripture is like the Vedas. No holy river is like the Ganga.” Karttika is the best of months. Karttika is always dear to the Vaisnavas. O great sage, a Vaisnava who with devotion serves Karttika delivers his ancestors from hell.” Of the twelve months, Karttika is the most dear to Lord Krsna. To anyone who even slightly worships Lord Visnu during its time, the month of Karttika gives residence in Lord Visnus transcendental abode.” Even though its lasts for only a brief moment, the human form of life is very rare and valuable. In the same way the brief month of Karttika is also very rare and valuable.” Lord Krsna is pleased by the offering of a single lamp during the month of Karttika. Lord Krsna glorifies anyone who lights a lamp for someone else to offer.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:38:31 +0000

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