BIG SWAMP NEWS: Its late to be getting the news out but Ive been - TopicsExpress


BIG SWAMP NEWS: Its late to be getting the news out but Ive been busy the last couple of days and didnt have the computer at my disposal.. I know what youre thinking, what else is new, weve heard this all before. Let me explain!! I dont have all those new expensive high tech gadgets that everyone but me owns.. I have this big old stationary computer and thats it folks.. So that being said, lets move right along.... Its been a extremely busy weekend but at the same time a fun one for a change and trust me I needed that.. Yesterday morning my young friend Rhonda Lowe Bailey and I who are sharing a big garden at her place this year and I mean a really big garden hit the garden wide open and planted a ton of Potatoes, Beets and Onions.. Now were waiting until Good Friday like weve always been taught by our parents to plant everything else. She loves digging in the dirt just as much as me and yes it was work crawling on our hands and knees but we love it and we got it done..We finished up before lunch and Tara called wanting us to come down to Summerville and pick up the wood the ice storm left after destroying their trees and landscaping. We loaded up, got a sitter for the cats and house and headed on down. We had a fun visit, good dinner at my favorite Restaurant ,La Carretta and then today loaded up all the wood and burned the trash from the Ice storm but still have more to do. You have to see to believe all the damage they had..That Ice Storm was brutal to the Charleston-Summerville area...We did something that I havent done in years today while burning the trash.. Dan whittled long sticks for each of us and we cooked hot dogs over the open flame for lunch and they were delicious and oh so much fun. It was and is always fun to spend time with my Tara, Addie and Steve and we always make whatever we do fun and memorable... Did I by chance tell you how much I love my little family? Dan has this big old Buick Station Wagon as a second car for him that looks like a Hearse and is used as our truck.. lol It is butt ugly but priceless with the use we get out of it. We took our huge trailer and towed it behind the Hearse and put all the wood on it to haul back. Now all of you that knows me knows I travel heavy and when we started back home today, we looked just like the Beverly Hillbillies except I didnt have a Rocking Chair to sit in..There wasnt a place for anything else in that car as I had it so loaded down with all kinds of neat stuff. I love junk and find a use for all of it..You should have seen the looks we got coming down I-95, it was sooo funny and oh yes I waved at them all. Dan and I got a big kick out of it..They wanted Hillbilly, Ill give them Hillbilly. LOL Yes it was a nice break for us with all that has been happening down at the swamp with the sadness weve had and we needed this weekend for sure..With that being said, until next time from the Big Swamp.......
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:06:12 +0000

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