BIGGEST CORRUPTION REVEAL OF HOUSE OWNERS IN INDIA (MUST READ) Most of the house owners in India practise living style which is full of corruption and politics specially when it comes to neighbourhood. Here are some insights about the shocking corruption neighbours do in their neighbourhood in India. 1.) City roads are already very pathetic and stinky due to bad sewerage management and they become more disastrous thanks to people and their attitude and living in the city. In most of the sectors the govt. has provided with narrow roads which creates difficulties on daily basis , rest of the remaining roads is encroached by people in name of parking. 2.)Most of the house owners in sectors park the cars on roads and not in their house. They intentionally do not park their cars in their verandas/garage and occupy the roads causing traffic and inconvenience to the moving traffic. This attitude of not parking cars in the house and parking on the roads is taken so seriously by the house owners that even in the most crowded days of festivals cars are parked on the roads provoking traffic at higher rate. 3.)The home owners also encroach the pedestrian pathways given to them adjacent to their ramp or slant. The pedestrian pathway which they get for parking adjacent to slant or ramp must be used for parking but sadly most of them make garden on that area and encroach it by fencing again which gives them excuse to park on the roads as they do not wish to use their veranda/garage for the same. 4.)Most of the sector houses install private gates on the entry of a particular sector and on the exit of particular sector and use it according to their will again creating problems for other people who wish to enter the sector. Today almost 90% sectors have done this illegal encroachment but again govt. bodies are sleeping and behaving innocent and unaware about it. 5.)Most of the home owners do the illegal activities under the sheets of welfare associations. generally all the home owners counter money together which is fetched from every house forcefully as an order by welfare association . The home owners elect some group of people to make decisions and perform actions who act like a dictator when it comes to creating changes in the sectors and environment. There is no record of the money they take from all the house owners and no record of spending. This is an illegal way of making money and acting as a tax fetching entity and playing with the basic structure of govt. planning. 6.) these sector owners may transform the public park but again they torture and humiliate other house owners who do not pay money to them . The other house owners who do not wish to dance on the tunes of welfare associations and who do not wish to pay money every month are pressurized every single time for the same . 7.) The sector house owners make uncountable speed breakers like an illiterate. The speed breakers made by them are huge and out of shape which creates damages to the cars frequently. The home owners dont know the basic guidelines but again they use their dictatorship in transforming the sectors according to their will. 8.) Cricket which is the most favourite game among the masses also creates a addict effect on the sector house owners. Most of the house owners encourage their children to play cricket on the roads which many times leads to injury and accidents to children as well as to other people as well as to the cars and to the window panes. window panes and car windows are broken frequently by the passion of cricket. But there is also a twist and politics involved in this. Most of the house owners are of mean mentality and they do not encourage their kids to play in front of their own house but guide them to play cricket in front of other houses so that their house or car will be protected. Same attitude works in case of crackers , at the time of festivals many sector home owners provoke their children to play crackers in front of the house of others so that their own house will not become untidy from outside. When other owners object , they face profanity and quarrels from the mean mentality owners. The mean mentality owners forget the fact that playgrounds and parks are made for recreational activities like cricket and not the roads but again govt. bodies fail to monitor this thing and fails to make any law and order. 9.) Most of the house owners do commercial activities like opening paying guest accommodations popularly called as PG or by running private offices. Its shocking but a known fact that many illegal activities including prostitution is done under the sheets of private office and pg. 10.) At the time of any personal function of the sectors resident owners the roads face unlimited torture. The sector house owners intentionally and illegally encroach the roads by installing tents. These tents damage the roads as iron poles are inserted in the roads by creating holes in the roads as well as these private functions block the roads and hence causing traffic and problems to other moving traffic. the function ends up with lot of food and waste disposal on the road which again cause untidy and polluted environment. 11.) The plots which are empty are used as a waste disposal by other sector residents and also serves as a place for illegal shacks. There is no aesthetic appearance of sectors as everyone is violating the environment by their wills and attitudes. It looks like that once a plot is allotted to a user he is free to make changes in the environment no matter how much problems other people get. India is getting urbanised and developed but still most of the people dont have decency and manners when it comes to living in sectors. Posted by Pulkit mohan singla
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:18:00 +0000

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