BIGGEST LESSON THIS MONTH: Our of our biggest hinderance to a - TopicsExpress


BIGGEST LESSON THIS MONTH: Our of our biggest hinderance to a fulling relationship with our God is our view of him. Most of us approach or view God as a master and not a Father. When we view God in this distorted way we then automatically approach him as slaves rather than sons and daughters and believe it or not this has a profound effect on our relationship with God. Let me explain; for those of you who have house helps or maids whatever you choose to call em, do they approach you the same way as your children do? ofcourse not. they have a sense of timidness in them, they approach you with abit of caution ,fear and some kind of insecurity. but your kids, its a different story right, you will find them on your bed ,feet on the coach watching t.v , drinking juice from the jug, what am trying to say here is this,they have sense of confidence and security in them that says "this is my home" they feel and know they belong ,unlike the house help who has a kind of insecure mentality about everything they do who has a thought in his mind all the time saying am i doing enough? am i pleasing my master? this mentality keeps you in place of strife. As this week starts God wants you to change your mentality from a house- help, slave or maid to sons and daughters, he wants to move you from a place of strife to a place of rest. his says it himself in 1 john 3:2 ."Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is". come to him in confidence not as a master looking to point out the mistakes his slaves makes but a father full of love for his children and well pleased with them each and everyday. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:32:19 +0000

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