BIGGEST TERRORIST IN THE WORLD!!!! BEHOLD MASTER OF THE WORLD!!!! SPOKESMAN FOR THE ANTICHRIST!!! THE DRAGON- WHO IS GREAT AS THE BEAST!?? DEFENDING ITSELF FROM CHILDREN SLEEPING IN THERE BEDS!!!???? Palestinians were invaded by ashkeNAZI ZIONIST ROTHCHILD INBREEDING FREAKSHOW! They are NOT real jews, they do NOT recognize the torah, they do NOT follow the commandments, and contrary to what your tv tells you- they are NOT! supported by the worldwide Jewish community!! again in case you missed it -NOT JEWISH!! They, the Zionist, that is, believe that they themselves are gods(the chosen)and all non Jews are only here on this earth to serve them, and that we as goyim are lower then insects and the only reason for us to be in human form is that it is unfit for an animal to serve a chosen one No im not pulling this out of my ass its the Zionist plans for complete world domination are readily available in a little book called the Talmud, well most of it, some of it is only for the high priest. The richest nation on earth(Rothchilds themselves worth over 5 trillion)drunk on the blood of the saints and prophets since time immemorial , these are the money changers Easua of Nazareth raged against, the very same Bloodline, ruling the world nothing has changed only your perception to it. This life is not real, these people only rule the illusion that it is, it is not, it is only a schoolhouse- but a VERY IMPORTANT SCHOOLHOUSE if ye but knew!! Quran61:11 this is a test- since I have more Christian friends on here then anything ill stick to The Bible- examine your bibles satan-deceives-the-whole-world for the gate is wide - Matt13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matt21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many 1miracles?’ 23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. - where exactly in the Gospel does it say thou shall kill what is the will of the Father? Ill leave the rest to you- whatever your higher power is, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, The Great Spirit- MAY YOU FIND HIM NOW ...and believe me the reason they(the AshkeNAZIs),wont let the Dead Sea Scrolls be published or even looked at is because it would expose them!! there is MANY reasons why IsraHELL wont let ANYONE examine the Dead Sea Scrolls, but that is the most urgent reason for them PANICING and hurriedly buying and controlling every single word that was translated!! By the ROCKEFELLER CORPORATION JESUITS AND THE CATHOLIC BORN SECRET MYSTERY RELIGION Founded by the Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830) Known as The Illuminati society of Bavaria- let us truly take a look at history and ask ourselves you think theyd just tell us these things openly!?, wouldnt they put SOO much misinformation out there that would just label anyone who wouldnt conform some kind of loony tune? ..................!!!!!??????!!!!!????? Nah :P but im just crazy carry on with toxic water, toxic food, toxic everything and two and a half men, pretty little liars, or adventure time for the kids ;) everything is fine, nothing to see here move along....................................... there just defending themselves, FROM AN UNARMED POPULATION NO ARMY-NO NAVY-NO AIR FORCE-NO STATE OF THE ART MILITARY ONLY VOLUNTEER MILITANTS WHO ISRAHELL THEMSELVES CREATED BY EXTERMINATING THE PALESTINIANS AS NON HUMAN ENTITIES!!!!! MY NATIVE AMERICAN FRIENDS SHOULD HAVE NO TROUBLE SEEING WHATS REALLY GOING ON HERE!!!!!! IM DONE YOU FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! #UN.#EthnicCleansing #NATO #GazaUnderAttack #gazaj26 #EndIsraeliApartheid #FoxNews #CNN #Agenda21 #Rothchilds #NWO
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:08:40 +0000

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