BIGOTRY VS. PREFERENCE BASED ON PHYSICAL TRAITS OR SHARED VALUES: In regards to the latest video question of the week: Im kind of disappointed that so many people believe that I should give this woman permission to be a bigot. Listen, we black women dont want to be judged with sweeping generalizations like, black women are all fat, loud, uncouth, fight-ready, etc but we wont reciprocate in kind? Really? Again, this question is not about having a preference because she doesnt. She doesnt even mention men of a another race as being more attractive to her. Her issues are with what she perceives and thus is attaching all characteristics to one race of men. Her issues is the CULTURE OF RACHETRY often present and pervasive in the black community. She is repelled by that, and so am I. I would NEVER advise a woman to force herself to find the least rotten apple in a barrel full of decomposing fruit. YOU SHOULD KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT. If PREFERENCE is based on physical features that you like, or CULTURAL attributes like you VALUE: e.g. strong sense of family, marriage within wedlock, whatever, that is much different that attributing characteristics to men of a certain race. Listen: ALL WHITE MEN ARE NOT HONORABLE. ALL BLACK MEN ARE NOT RAY-RAY. Behind the scenes, the producer of the reality series Im starring in, Swirlr, is a black man, married to a BLACK WOMAN, who understands that challenges black women face in the dating world. Do you get where Im going with this? No one (especially me) is trying to MAKE the letter writer date black men if she doesnt want to. My advice has been, and WILL ALWAYS BE, CHARACTER ABOVE COLOR. How can you expect me to give an O.K. to be a bigot when one of the many purposes of my mission is to display black women to the world as quality mates?!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:51:39 +0000

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