BILL SHORTEN FEAR MONGERER Bill Shorten’s words on the aged - TopicsExpress


BILL SHORTEN FEAR MONGERER Bill Shorten’s words on the aged pension exemplified the scare mongering and utter lack of ethical dialogue embraced by the ALP and Unions. Billy Boy has no shame or second thought before engaging in wilful scare mongering of what he described as the “vulnerable” in our society. Billy Boy Shorten despite been fully aware the Government has specifically excluded cuts to the aged pension went into damage control by pointing to the proposed from review of unsustainable welfare spending by alleging “WHO IS LYING” Billy Boy the reckless fear peddler it is “YOU LYING” in the exact manner the unions and ALP do on a daily basis to fabricate nonexistent issues to justify your existence. Anyone who has first hand dealing with UNIONS is fully aware they are the masters of deception, exaggeration to achieve a desired outcome. Friends the fact of the matter is The Abbott Federal Government has categorically stated “the age pension will be excluded from a wide-ranging review of the welfare system.” At the same time I can assure everyone that “A review into our welfare system, Disability Support Pension and the Newstart allowance is well over due” The sad reality is this” 1. A new report shows income support payments are now costing the Government $70 billion a year 2. Approximately 40% of that money $28 billion dollars is spent on ADMINISTRATION. 3. One in five Australians is receiving an income support payment 20% 4. There were more than 500,000 people on Newstart in 2002. 5. John Howard reduced it to 339,000 6. Under Gillard it again sky rocketed to 549,773 in 2012. It is hideous that $28 billion dollars is been spent to hand out $42 billion dollars. For the love of sanity what business or corporation would spend 40% of revenue on administration? Money that would be otherwise go to the MOST VULNERASBLE as Shorten puts it. The sad reality is the disability support pension is been rorted and manipulated by the unscrupulous devious parasitises in our community. As an example the Muslim gang “BROTHERS FOR LIFE” terrorising Sydney and indiscriminately shooting up houses was found to have members on the Disability pension. OFCOURSE A BLOODY REVIEW IS URGENTLY NEEDED and those thieves must be made to pay back every cent plus interest and thrown in jail. Undeserving recipients must be weeded out, publicly shamed and dragged before the courts, it is untenable to turn a blind eye & allow any person to manipulate the system. As for Bill Shorten his wilful conduct and distortion is totally unethical. He is a desperate man that will say anything in bid to undermine and tarnish the Abbott Government even if means having to lie. It is a shame some politicians have no ethical standards, it amazes me that some politicians think a robust parliament and robust debates is a green light to cheat by been dishonest and wilfully omit facts they are fully aware of. This culture of dishonesty and gutter tactics MUST BE STAMPED OUT. By all means have vigorous debate, but do it honestly with integrity. Every time you resort to lies, deception and fabricated smoke screens it means you are worthless scum incapable of presenting a genuine argument or perspective based on truth. As is said before the union/ALP rule book advocates distortion, lies, deception and dishonesty to scare the community and achieve an illegitimate outcome. Just consider our Sporting codes have a stronger regime to enforce fair play, honesty and accountability than our parliament, it’s a sickening situation. Politicians must likewise conduct themselves to the highest ethical standards and honesty when every debating any issue, resorting to lies and distortion drove the community mad when the failed experiment Gillard held the highest office in the land, “blue ties, misogyny, scandal, evasiveness, broken promises” and the list goes on and on.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:12:20 +0000

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