BING Not all that long ago, there was a Computer Systems - TopicsExpress


BING Not all that long ago, there was a Computer Systems Analyst Job opening that paid $100.000 per-year. A young Man answered the newspaper ad and went to the address listed. When he arrived, he found a large busy office filled with noise and clatter. A sign on the receptionists counter instructed job applicants to fill out a form, and wait until they were summoned by a Bing over the office intercom to enter into the inner office. The young Man filled out his form and sat down with Seven other applicants in the waiting area. After a few minutes, the young Man stood up, walked across the room and entered into the inner office. Naturally, the other applicants began to wonder and wispher among themselves, saying; Whats going on.? We havent heard any Bing Yet! They assumed that the young Man who went into the inner office had made a mistake, and would be disqualified. In a few minutes, the employer escorted the young Man out of the inner office, and said to the other applicants, Gentlemen, Thank you very much for coming, but the Job has just been filled. The other applicants began grumbling, and one finally spoke up saying; Wait a minute,! I dont understand,! This guy was the last one to come in, and we never even got a chance to be interviewed. Yet He got the Job.! Thats not fair.! The Employer said; Im sorry boys, but all the time you guys have been sitting here talking, the office intercom did Bing. None of you heard it or understood it, because you allowed yourselves to be distracted by all that was going on around you.! This young Man stayed focus and listen to hear the Bing, Thats why the Job is his.!!! ARE YOUR EARS TUNED IN TO THE VOICE OF GOD.? CAN YOU HEAR HIS INSTRUCTIONS, AND HIS PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE.? YOU MUST DECIDE IF YOU WILL OR WILL NOT ALLOW OUTSIDE FORCES TO DISTRACT YOU FROM HEARING, AND FOLLOWING GODS PLANS FOR YOU.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:02:57 +0000

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