BIOLOGY DEFINED BY AN INCARNATION CAUSE is BIO-MEMORY ---- EFFECT is MUSCLE MEMORY We perceive reality differently on our beliefs and what we want to see. In addition, our beliefs and perceptions affect and create our body. How is that so ? Emotions that are experienced repeatedly and intensely have a strong impact on the body. Different glands in the body release different chemicals in response to the brain. Over time the constant release of these hormones creates an imbalance in the body leading to what is called disease. Negative emotions like fear and frustration trigger particularly toxic hormonal cascades in the body. what is the facial expression of someone who is always angry ? of someone who feels life is a burden ? In comparison with that of someone who is confident and feels joy in life ? When you perceive a person as an extension of you and not react to their negative actions in a strong manner, you are able to stay calm. Yet if perceived as a separate entity you get upset or fearful, feel stressed out, your heart races or you get a headache ...etc. As an example close your eyes and think of an experience where you really enjoyed yourself & felt confident ... observe what is happening in your body .... then think of a time that you were not feeling good about you ... what happens inside, to your posture and to your energy levels ..... go back and remember one of your highest times in life. The World of Nithya Yoga Paramahamsa Nithyananda https://youtube/watch?v=JcusGwp7t7g#t=251
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:11:33 +0000

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