BIRTHDAY MESSAGE TO SENATOR IFEANYI ARTHUR OKOWA, A RARE GIFT FROM GOD TO HUMANITY-Amamosa Bruno Jude. Sometimes in July 8th 1959, a loud cry of a new born baby was heard with unique change in climatic features that accompanied the cry signifying the birth of an economic and political liberator, a mortal man set for a higher throne, born to do justice to human race, and an ordained human messiah born in a small community in owa kingdom, in the present ika north east local government. witnesses who saw the signs but knew nothing about the meaning waited eagerly to see the proceeding outcome be it favourable or unfavourable. He grew up in a family where education was the bedrock to greatness and a tradition which his parents attached so much value because to them, western education was the best way to learn that secret which the white men (oyibo) failed to tell the black man due to communication barrier, and he welcomed it with all diligence and committed his precious time and resources into it. Few years later, the awaiting messiah graduated from the university as an outstanding medical doctor, and the reason for his birth began to manifest when he started saving lives which he assumed was his earthly calling until God who formed him in his mothers womb and consecrated him before he was born(Jer.1:5), opened his eyes to see the big assignment he destined him to fulfil, Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 54:8&9. In Numbers 23:19, God openly declares that He is not man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent. Therefore, the basis of this divine will for this young vessel prepared for the noble use ahead was drawn, thus, justifying his word in Jeremiah 29:11 where He assures man that He will definitely give him the expected end. It is true that when God gives a man assignment, God makes provisions available. On this note, years later as it is written in the account of prophet Isaiah 54:3-5, the prophesy began to unfold defaultly when the born human messiah was unanimously voted in as the pioneer chairman of newly created ika north east local government area of delta state. Today, the messiah that was born on 8th of July, 1958, has grown to become a leader of inestimable value, renewal of hope, and a true servant of the people. The man that is laden with the responsibility to change the course of history of our state is Senator Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa ably chosen by God right from conception to better the life of mankind. Though, the road to righteous mans destiny is not always smooth as the scripture says but even at that, God assures the righteous that he is more than a conqueror(Romans 8:37). I am therefore, using this opportunity to encourage all senator Okowas online and field campaigners to continue the good works, and when we think good is not enough, better is standing by beckoning on us because we are on the right track to changing history. Lets continue to give no damn attention to detractors because God in his word in Job 5:12 assures us that he has disappointed the devices of the crafty that their hands cannot carry out their enterprise against senator okowa because unto Him has the dynamic senator okowa committed his cause for He, God, doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number. I enjoin us to take some minutes out of our time, to commune with God about this mission to re-writing history. Lets continue to as k God for protection for senator okowa so that pharoahs that seek for his life and down fall will fall for his sake and utterly disappointed. Always remember him in prayers if truly you love him. Victory is near for us. Once again, on behalf Dr. Ifeanyi Okowas fans page and Deltans Diaspora, its my prayer that as he marks his birth today, may continue to defend the covenant He has with his birth. This time next, I decree by the power of he that died and resurrected on the third day, he shall mark his next birthday in unity house in Jesus name. Amen. Happy Birthday to you sir. I wish you many fruitful and fulfilled years ahead. We love you, boss. Amamosa Bruno Jude. Treasurer,Deltans Diaspora —.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 03:15:28 +0000

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