BITTER BERRIES (KATUNKUMWA).BITTER TASTE, SWEET RESULTS: Locally known as KATUNKUMWA or African eggplants, as they are some times referred to, are scientifically known known as solanum anguivi.they posses numerous benefits, both culinary n medical. SOME OF ITS BENEFITS ARE: They are low in calories, fat n sodium but contain essential minerals and dietary fibres. -They are also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, polyphenols n carotenoids. -They help in preventing conditions like diabetes n hypertension bse polyphenols in berries aid in de muscle layer of blood vessels around the heart to relax, wc in turn regulates blood pressure. -Polyphenols also improve blood supply to de eyes, hence improving vision, impede dr proliferation of human cancer cells n generally aid de recovery process of cancer patient TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:25:36 +0000

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