BJP’s true colour: Saffron -Pervez Beigh Inching towards 2014 - TopicsExpress


BJP’s true colour: Saffron -Pervez Beigh Inching towards 2014 Elections, Indian political parties are preparing for the final battle – Clash of the Titans - that takes place after every five years. Months preceding the elections are momentous and full of action. It gives the major political parties like Congress, BJP, Samajwadi Party, Janta Dal and Bahujan Samaj Party a slot before the actual campaigning starts. Most political parties and analyst believe this time period as decisively affecting the poll results. Events of national importance like ministers and parties blaming each other for corruption, outbreak of scams and scandals, violence on borders, communal violence within states especially those inhabited by Hindu and Muslim communities, fluctuations in markets, price rise of commodities, and more can all be attributed to the special event, that is elections. It is a tumultuous phase and eventually dies down with alliances forming the new government. The Pakistan factor is undeniably a trump card for parties like BJP who rather than forming an informed opposition keeps on latching to divisive politics. For every term in the last few governments, BJP has been strengthening its Hindu vote bank by overtly indulging in communal politics. The most catastrophic incidents of communal violence, like Babri Masjid demolition and Godhra riots of Gujarat, have increased their vote bank significantly by attracting more and more Rightwing Hindu fans. With the aid of notorious organisations like VHP and Bajrang Dal, who are well known for creating a communal atmosphere, inciting violence and even taking active part in riots and persecution of Muslims and other minorities, BJP expresses its larger agenda – the Hindutva or Hindu Rashtriya. The Congress (Indian National Congress), which claims to be secular and firm believer in progressive politics, fails to antagonise the threat, perhaps for its own interests. Other parties hardly contribute in the divisive and communal tactics employed by the ruling and the opposition. The Pakistan factor works in favour of Rightwing Hindu parties who miss no opportunity to reinforce in the minds of millions of people, especially steadfast Hindu fans, a substantial but abstract threat that only these parties vow to get rid of. Whether violence on borders, particularly LoC (Line of Control), erupt without consent of political executives or border skirmishes fall under the greater design, can be doubted. But there is no doubt how the border incidents are used in Indian politics at a time when majority of politicians are eyeing for votes. The hypocrisy in political arena is not long lived. Barely some months after a new government is formed, there are peace talks, diplomatic missions, track II, trade talks and mutual co-operation over a list of issues. In Pakistan, like Kashmir is pitched as one of the election manifestos, in India it is dealing with Pakistan that is pitched as election manifesto. In cities, like Delhi, there is a different tactic – market and price fluctuation. Though it is not clear as how different political parties use the opportunity and to what extent they control it, it is nonetheless insignificant. As is popular in Delhi, it is one place in India where there has been change of the government over onion prices. BJP’s desperate attempt to capture New Delhi can also be discerned by the way it has put forth its star PM candidate, Narendra Modi. Modi, who referred to Muslims by his “puppy analogy”, knows how to make happy those who are really rabid. They have hired services of the best promoting agency which is busy to link all positive developments in Gujarat to Modi’s leadership. This way they are trying to appease the middle class Hindus, who are more than willing to experiment for an upward mobility. If such an intolerant person who has been denied visa by US, not because of the thousands of Muslims massacred in Gujarat, but persecution of Christian and other minorities by RSS and Sangh Parivar, is deemed fit for the post of prime minister, there is no hope for secularism to sustain in the country. To appease the voters in north India, BJP in its earlier campaigns had death sentence to Afzal Guru’s and Ajmal Kasab as the strong points to consolidate Hindu votes. The Congress aware of BJP’s plan finally satisfied the ‘collective conscience’ by hanging Afzal Guru and deprived it (BJP) of an opportunity. BJP’s entry in Jammu and Kashmir has been because of the communal tension and aftermath of Amarnath row. This year a new phenomenon has just happened. In Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, a number of reports were published about masked men harassing people in Muslim dominated pockets at night. Intimidations like throwing stones on their roofs, knocking their doors at midnight and even stopping them in late hours were completely ignored till things began to take shape. On the day of the Eid-al-Fitr, the Hindu fanatics had assembled after anticipating that Muslims will gather for prayers. After prayers they hurled stones over the gathering, abused and harassed them. With the result, more Muslims became agitated and altercations eventually led to severe communal clashes. Despite Muslim majority overall, maximum damage including fatalities were incurred on Muslims. Shops were looted and buildings gutted. From the way it happened, there is little doubt about it not being pre-planned. Even though Muslims were targeted and continue to be harassed and persecuted by Hindu fanatics who have joined the bandwagon from different districts, the BJP and communal forces have been cashing on it, much like In Kashmir more than 150 people, most of which were innocent youth registering protest, have been killed in the last few years. No minister or member of Indian parliament spoke on their behalf, made an issue out of it or order resignation of local authorities. Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Rajnath Singh – the BJP members raised their voices and ignited the situation. Arun Jaitley’s visit is a clear indication of BJP’s attempting to polarise the communities and create a situation similar to Godhra. Their false sympathies to evoke response from one community are well understood and their presence in the state should be taken as a threat for it means assembling an army of Saffron workers. Is BJP counting on Kishtwar violence to be the repetition of Godhra riots or Babri Masjid demolition? Why are such horrible incidents recurring in India without anyone attempting to stop them? Is India really land of Hindus only? These questions have created a greater sense of alienation among Muslims living in the country. The BJP and communal forces in India are implementing their most benefitting but sinister plan – polarising the two communities, Hindus and Muslims and reaping benefits from the hardcore Hindu fans. It is ironic that BJP’s former PM candidate, Vajpayee believed in talks and shunning violence. Whether it is border incidents or Kishtwar incidents, BJP leadership has shown India and the world its true colour - Saffron. Writer is a freelance journalist
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:50:04 +0000

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