BLACK FLASH MOBS OUT OF CONTROL, MINNEAPOLIS ,MINNESOTA ..(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violen...ce and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence. Black mob violence is back in Minneapolis. Ads by Google High Blood Pressure Deep Sea Secret Fights Real Cause Of High Blood Pressure marineessentialsEnd of America Leave Now Learn How to Get a Dual Citizenship Today! Get Free Report Now: Sovereign-InvestorSome say it never stopped, and if you depend on the local newspaper for information, you might think it never started. But Minneapolis police recently issued a “crime alert” for the downtown area following a rash of mob robberies and assaults. According to City Paper: “What we’re seeing in this pattern is victims walking downtown by themselves on a sidewalk outside, and they’re approached by a group of three to five African American males,” MPD spokeswoman Cyndi Barrington told City Pages. “The average age range of the [suspects] is late teens to early 20s. Victims are punched and pushed to the ground, and their phones and wallets are taken.” It appears to be a change in policy for police to identify the members of the mobs by race. Last year, a slightly indignant spokesman for the police department told WND that race had nothing to do more than 20 episodes of black mob violence in downtown Minneapolis. “We don’t keep track of arrestees by race,” said police spokesman William Palmer. “And frankly, no, it doesn’t matter. We arrest and prepare criminal cases for consideration of prosecution for those people who choose to break the law. Race has nothing to do with it.” Anyone who listens to police scanner traffic in Minneapolis and other places knows this: Race has at least something to do with it. That is usually the first way dispatchers describe suspects to officers on the way to a crime scene. Details of the latest robberies and assaults are sketchy. Many go unreported. As William Davis found out in June. Davis is the 30-year old producer of the aggressively hip and liberal radio program called Morning Grind. His station bills itself as “The Progressive Voice of Minnesota.” In the several years of racial violence downtown, the station has aggressively ignored the black mob mayhem. Get the book that documents what the media won’t tell you: hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims. Davis told City Pages he was sitting outside in a downtown alley after celebrating his birthday in June when a group of black people robbed and beat him. His girlfriend chased them. They robbed and beat her too. When the police showed up, Davis got quite indignant when they did not take his crime report. Davis said the police told him that getting beat up was his fault because he should not have been down there to begin with. A local bouncer who witnessed the exchange between Davis and the police told City Pages the police called Davis a “pussy,” and refused to follow the predators when the bouncer pointed them out. Several victims of recent black mob violence echo Davis’ claim. They say they did not report their experience to the police because they did not believe the police would – or could – do anything about it. Said one commentator to the CBS Minnesota affiliate’s story on the crime alert: I think they just might the same four been mugging since JULY OF LAST YEAR (2012). I just didn’t bother reporting it because my insurance paid for that loss (wallet, wrist watch, and cell phone), then one of them came back to check my pockets for cigarettes, (I didn’t have any, but he asked). Said another at the same site: As if the MPD cares one bit about muggings. I got mugged and they accused ME of committing crimes and even refused to file a police report for my stolen phone. Jerks. Said another: This is the same type of thing that happened to me downtown, about 1.5 years ago. A group of 4 to 5 “kids” in their late teens to early twenties, mugged me of my phone and a little cash – just off of Nicollet Ave (intersection of Spruce Place and West Grant St). They were angry that all I had was 75 cents, so they proceed to make me stick my hands up in the air, search me for more cash, all the while spewing lines of intimidation. Thankfully I wasn’t physically attacked, but as they walked away they left me with these “wonderful” words to digest, “It’s a good thing you cooperated, so that we didn’t have to shoot anybody tonight.” And another: I watched a group of “minority” gentlemen stomp a white guy over what I do not know over near Como Ave. I mean stomp. I heard laughing and cheers from some fellow ethnic folk walking towards the Fair. This was around 9:15pm on opening day. By time we got across street and hollering they dispersed. The guy was okay but had the stuffing beat out of him….No a word in the press An unusual number of people on the Minneapolis message boards were offended by any mention of race in the news stories or in the reader comments. This is one of dozens. Wow what a bunch of racist comments. You people have serious problems. I hope none of you have children. The Star-Tribune has yet to run a story on the police alert identifying the suspects in the recent robberies and assaults as “African American.” After last year’s wave of racial violence downtown, Star-Tribune reporter Matt McKinney said the violence and mayhem were “random” and “no other real pattern emerges” and the “motivation for the attacks remains unclear.” Some reporters may have a hard time figuring it out. But more and more people in Minneapolis are realizing their downtown is caught up in a wave of racial violence, featuring groups of black people – big and small, men and women, young and not so young – marauding through the downtown; beating, hurting, destroying and stealing. Sometimes right in front of police. Some of it on YouTube. With lots of witnesses 15 to 20 times in 2011. And more than that in 2012. And 2013 is not far behind. A headline from the Star Tribune tells part of the story, but conceals the rest: “Flash mob actions worry Minnesota police.” McKinney fills in some of the details about one of the incidents from March 2012: “We were just biking, the three of us, having some laughs and enjoying the night,” said the cyclist, who didn’t want his name used out of fear for his safety. It was 7:45 p.m. and the street was crowded with people enjoying the unusually warm evening, he said. ‘Suddenly ‘some kid’ ran up to the man’s friend and punched him in the face, breaking his jaw. Another eight to 10 youths surrounded the cyclists, yelling and trying to provoke a fight. “Two police officers had been watching seven youths at a bus stop when they saw them ‘suddenly surge’ toward the cyclists. “As the officers gave chase, the group fled with one victim’s bike. They ran through the seating area at Oceanaire’s patio, picking objects off the tables to throw at one of the bicyclists running after them. Eventually four people were arrested, all black. The bikers got hurt pretty bad, but they got off easy compared to the St. Patrick’s Day 2012 mauling 20 black people inflicted on a Minneapolis graphic artist named Pieter. He suffered serious brain injuries and now has no short-term memory. A local bank has turned videos of the crime over to the police. He is afraid to use his last name An hour before he was beat and kicked into the Intensive Care Unit, 20 black people assaulted an out-of-town couple at the exact same intersection. The Star-Tribune may be squeamish about reporting the race of the criminals, but City Pages is not: “Melissa screamed as three separate youths came at Kirk, throwing punches. Kirk says he was able to dodge the blows. He remembers one of the assailants smiling while he threw punches, ‘like it was fun.’ As people on the street started to take notice of the attack, the mob dispersed, leaving Kirk one-on-one with a man he says was over 6 feet tallSee More marineessentialse/ marineessentialse
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 03:56:34 +0000

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