BLACK FRIDAY: WEEPING FOR: The more than 34,700 CHILDREN - TopicsExpress


BLACK FRIDAY: WEEPING FOR: The more than 34,700 CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 15, who will die of starvation, or starvation-related diseases, TODAY, and each day - 10,800,000 a year. The 870 MILLION people who will go to sleep hungry, TODAY. The 1.2 BILLION people, 20% of the worlds population, who live on less than $1.25 a day. The 2.4 BILLION people, 35% of the worlds population, who live on less than $2 a day. The 783 MILLION people who do not have access to clean water. The 2.5 BILLION people who lack access to toilets or latrines. As a result, A CHILD DIES EVERY 20 SECONDS. The ONE IN NINE CHILDREN WHO DIE BEFORE THE AGE OF FIVE in sub-Saharan Africa. THE ONE IN 16 CHILDREN WHO DIE BEFORE THE AGE OF FIVE in Southern Asia. The 2.3 MILLION PEOPLE newly infected with HIV each year, with 1.6 MILLION OF THEM in sub-Saharan Africa. If, just if, in the midst of rushing, along with thousands of others, like Cape buffaloes in heat, into stores that dupe thousands of fools disguising themselves as the Promised Land, if , just if, in the midst of trampling the elderly and elbowing other people out of your way to get to that super-deal that awaits you 30 feet down the aisle, if, just if, a day after thanking God for your bounty, cursing and foul-mouthing those who get to the last super-sale item first, you would just take 30 seconds to remember that most of that money you are spending to add to the excess of possessions you dont really need, BELONGS TO THE POOR (St. Ambrose of Milan), that that Black Friday spending money that you possess IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT, THAT IT HAS A SOCIAL MORTGAGE UPON IT (John Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis), that this new private property you are acquiring IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT, THAT IT IS ALWAYS SUBORDINATED TO THE COMMON GOOD (Thomas Aquinas, ST II-II q. 66 aa.2ff: Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 24; Gaudium et Spes, 71ff); John Chrysostom, Homily 50 on Matthew), that THE MIGRANTS BEAR THE WOUNDS OF CHRIST (Card. Sean OMalley), that THERE ARE NO ILLEGAL HUMAN BEINGS - ah, if, just if, you would remember all of this, you might just find the time to weep for the victims that your Black Friday lavishes so much suffering and anguish upon. If you (we, me, all of us) remember all of this, we might perhaps choose to engage in that dangerous, vulnerable communion with the suffering victims. We might even find the time to ponder: How many of those 34,700 children who will starve to death today, on Black Friday and every day, might I save by not adding to the already obscene profits of Wal-Mart and other corporations, by giving them that money and stall the invasion of parasites into their bellies? How many of those 870 MILLION who go to bed hungry every day might I relieve of their sufferings? And so on . . .For, let us not forget (beginning with me), that at the end of the road, the final words we will hear are: For I was hungry . . . I was naked . . . I was alien ., . . AND? Oremus pro invicem
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:01:20 +0000

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