"BLACK NAGALAND WEEK" ALL NAGA BLOGGERS AND OTHERS ALIKE ARE REQUESTED TO PUT UP A BLACK PROFILE PICTURE FOR A WEEK IN PROTEST- • Against the factional bloodshed, mindless “taxation,” reprisals and tacit threat on the wellbeing of public members and public leaders by underground groups • Against the clamp on Freedom of Speech in Nagaland and tacit threat to personal opinion, livelihood and Life • Against the inaction of the Nagaland government, its continuing failure to exercise strong Political Will towards enforcing law and order;the State government’s failure to use its Statutory resources to protect the rights of civilian interests; the government’s failure to protect public lives and public property • Against the Nagaland government’s customarily fearful, pathetic and impassive stance in the face of relentless extortion, threats and intimidation, influx and growing crimes by illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants and foreigners in the State and violation of Freedom of Speech and Right to Opinion • Against the absence/lack of any strong, united, principled civil and social leadership to lead the public of Nagaland Today, my profile image is black – the darkness and sadness I feel today for my people and land. For three days, the photograph will represent the misery of my parents, my children and mine. It represents my diminishing patience and growing rage at the injustice my own brothers are inflicting on us, our livelihood and future – all in the name of a cause that was once sacred and worthy. Bullets have snuffed out innocent lives. There is even a price tag on every cent our honest sweat, hard work and blistered hands earn. They justify transgressions with convenient and self- righteous justifications and explanations. And get away with it just as the Indian aggressors did during the time of our grandfathers and fathers. Our elected government has failed us. They are corrupt and weak. Our civil leaders cower. They speak words of the weak and the foolish to validate their failure to protect us, our and our lives. My voice, my Right and Liberty to express what is just, peaceful and humane is being repressed; my Right to criticize what is wrong; my Right to take part in meaningful debate without fear of reprisal and vendetta. No. These oppressive interferences and control on our lives must stop. This is my Life My Future My Right Whether you are a Naga or anyone else, if you share the same darkness and wounds for our land and people, the suffering Nagas and Nagaland, wear a black face today. God bless the Nagas.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 10:31:15 +0000

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