BLACK WALL STREET : 600 BUSINESSES : 21 CHURCHES : 21 RESTAURANTS : 30 GROCERY STORES : 2 MOVIE THEATERS : 6 PRIVATE AIRPLANES : A HOSPITAL : A BANK : A POST OFFICE : SCHOOLS : LIBRARIES : LAW OFFICES : A BUS SYSTEM IT IS TIME WE REBUILT BLACK WALL STREET ON A NATIONAL SCALE FACT: African Americans collectively earn 2.7 trillion dollars annually. This high annual amount of Gross Domestic Product means that if organized as a independent nation African Americans are the SEVENTH (7th) wealthiest nation on EARTH when compared to the 193 nations registered with the United Nations. African Americans are wealthier than Israel, Spain, Italy, Greece, India, and all but the six wealthiest nations on earth, if African Americans were organized as a independent nation we would hold a permanent seat at the G8 GOVERNMENT SUMMIT. Therefore it is abundantly clear that we do not need more money, what we need is more organization, a focus on freedom, independence, self determination, collective economics, and common sense. Reflecting on our long ans storied past is a good way to better plan our collective future. Revisiting African American self governed communities like Black Wall Street and RoseWood among the many other hundreds of vibrant townships we establish for ourselves here in the Americas we can get a fuller picture of what we have done, and what is possible for us to do in the future. It is now possible for us to rebuild Black Wall Street on a national scale. With very little effort we can collectively establish a self governed multi-state and multi-national corporation which can operate on all six continents and every island on earth. African Americans as a collective entity would be the wealthiest corporation, trust, bank, mutual fund, ect ect... on the planet with a annual revenue larger than the combined revenue of the top one hundred companies in the world. I want you all to think about this fact and let it sink in really deep. Now think of African Americans as one diverse tribe, now think of African Americans as a Territorial Nation which is exactly what every tribe on earth really are. Every tribe on earth is self governed by a a council of elders, a Chief, King, Queen, or some type of collective body of advisers. However the governing body of a tribe is arranged is usually based on tradition and the mutually beneficial and accepted values of all the members of the tribe. As a tribe, which is exactly what we are, weather you understand this or not, we must strive to establish a functional government to establish laws, rules, procedures, and policies which is how all of our tribes members will live and strive within the general American society. This is exactly how Mormons, Amish, Quakers, Jews, and every other collective in the Americas and the world in general survives. All tribes have a tittle, which is referred to as a name, collectively I suggest we be known as Omowale. I choose the name Omowale based on the life and experiences of Malcolm X. In 1964 Malcolm X went on a spiritual quest, he first went to Saudi Arabia to visit the city of Mecca which was a part of his belief in the religion of Islam. This is where brother Malcolm X was given the name El-Hajj. Within a few months after Malcolm traveled to Arabia he then traveled to Africa. And it was in Africa following a speech at the University of Ibadan, the Nigerian Muslim Students Association bestowed Malcolm with the honorary Yoruba name OMOWALE. The meaning of the name Omowale is: OMO means child or children - WALE means come home. Malcolm later called this name his most treasured honor. Africa is indeed our origin, and our destination, in spirit, mind and soul. Therefore it is now time for us all to transform and be OMOWALE: THE CHILDREN WHO COME HOME. As a people we do not all need to actually go to, or settle in Africa. We do not need to all abandon the many gains we have made in this new land, and we certainly do not need to abandon the dreams of our ancestors whom toiled in this land whom held fast to the dream that they would one day have their piece and freedom in this distant land. Our ancestors paid a heavy price and survived so that we could one day fulfill their dreams, and it is now within our reach to do far more than they ever envisioned. We, the descendents of the mighty African people whom were forced into bondage have now become the wealthiest tribe of Africans on earth, in fact we are collectively wealthier the all other seven hundred African tribes combined. Malcolms martyrdom, ideas, and speeches contributed greatly to the development of Black Nationalist ideology, Black Consciousness Movements, and the Black Power Movements. Malcolm helped popularize the values of autonomy and independence among African Americans, therefore he is the best example of our trials, failures, successes and continuing efforts to build our own nation within this here American nation. We must establish our own cultural container, this is how we establish, support, manage, and perpetuate our own lasting institutions. As a functional tribe we have opportunities that are far beyond what the rest of America could every accomplish. As a tribe with our own functional government, institutions, elected and traditional leaders we then have the opportunity to partner with other African tribes from every corner of the globe. I want you all to stop and think about what I just wrote: we have the opportunity to partner with other African tribes from every corner of the globe. There are nearly seven hundred tribes on the continent of Africa, and another two hundred tribes of African descent around the globe we can sign treaties with and form organizations of mutual assistance with. This worldwide collective of African tribes working together for mutual assistance under one unified governing body is what I propose and have named The African BrotherHood. I have spoken extensively and in great detail about how we can bring all of these thoughts into reality in a very short time frame. All of the post related to this concept can be found at: https://facebook/africanbrotherhood With all of that being mentioned, it is clear to me, and it should now be clear to you also that we are in a unique and very powerful position. All that is required for us to realize the benefits of becoming a autonomous entity within the U.S. and within the world in general is for us to all agree to work together for the benefit of each and all of us. It is clear we can not achieve individually what we can achieve collectively, therefore even if you do not admire, like, or wish to be associated with certain members of the collective African American body it is in your best interest to put you differences aside for the benefit of yourself and the all. For the benefit of all we must unite, first as a functional tribe, then as tribe working within a functional worldwide union of African tribes, this is the only way forward that will guarantee the safety and security of all African tribes aroung the globe. As a unified collective we are clearly the unchallenged largest, wealthiest, and most capable race on planet earth. And although we do not, and never will all agree on everything we must still, in spite of all differences work together for we are all under attack. Unity does not mean the absence of adversity. Authentic unity means you and I and all of our family share the same worldview. Unity does not mean we all do the same things at the same time, unity means that whatever we are doing our extended African family is the benefactor. Unity means we move in millions of directions all at once, yet all in accord with the goal of uplifting ourselves and one another. The original Black Wall Street was destroyed by a ruthless, unprovoked and unjust attack by jealous Caucasians whom hated the fact that whenever we as a people are left alone to govern our own townships we have always quickly and effectively built the most successful towns in American history. It is a fact that Black Wall Street and the hundreds of other African American towns that existed in every American state never failed due to their own structure, it is a fact that each of our towns were targeted for both physical, and economic attack by jealous hateful Caucasians. We must learn from our collective history so that as we rebuild Black Wall Street on a national scale we must also build a powerful autonomous malitia to protect our properties and people. I have often given examples of how countries and companies function to further their collective industry and national goals. We as a people must take note of how other nations function and adjust our tactics to address our economic and security needs. We must establish our own everything, manufacturing centers and factories, bakeries and shoe factories, we must be self sufficient. Most large companies establish two or more divisions, one for commercial products, and one for military products. This is how we must organize our economic structure. Every industry, manufacturing facility, import company, and wholesale company we establish must function to further our economic and personal security. Really the world governments including the U.S. are just customers for products manufactured by private companies, therefore we can establish a bus company, manufacture our own buses, create our own Grey Hound company, and at the same time manufacture our own armored trucks and train on our own privately owned military base, and organize our own West Point. The same companies we that manufacture school buses also manufacture armored vehicles. The same companies that manufacture commercial and private jets also manufacture military jets and military cargo planes. The same companies that manufacture sporting and hunting rifles also manufacture assault and sniper rifles. The same companies that manufacture casual clothing, formal clothing, footwear and athletic gear also manufacture military uniforms, military formal wear, military footwear, and military tactical gear. This is how the world is truly organized and if we intend to survive as a independent people we too must master this method of build sustainability and security into one dynamic economy. We only need to commit one percent (1%) of our collective economy towards defense. Remember the fact that we collectively have a annual GDP of 2.7 trillion dollars, one percent of that is 27 billion dollars which is a military budget so large that we would effectively have the fifth largest military budget on earth. I seriously doubt white folk are going to ever entertain the idea of attacking our new Black Wall Street knowing we are prepared to defend our towns around the U.S. with force. Therefore, Let us all work towards making these thoughts into our reality, let us all work towards rebuilding Black Wall Street on a national level, only this time let us all work to ensure that our efforts are not undermined, corrupted, or destroyed by jealous, hateful white folk. This time we will be well armed, well trained, and ready for whatever the future holds. - Maurice Milles Mansa
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:01:21 +0000

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