BLAH! I Mean, HURRAY FOR VULNERABILITY! Do you know what - TopicsExpress


BLAH! I Mean, HURRAY FOR VULNERABILITY! Do you know what vulnerability feels like? What growth feels like? Its not exactly pretty. It feels raw and awkward and kind of snotty (Im a crier). And your typically left feeling like your not good enough. Because, ya know, your trying something NEW. And so you really dont know exactly what your doing. Cause its NEW. And that feels vulnerable and scary. And to be HONEST with people and tell them that. Well thats really scary too. Because we kind of have this culture of fake it till you make it. And dont admit weakness! And I suck at that. Because I see people as store houses of awesome information and I DO want to learn the things that they are stronger at then I am. And lets be honest. This vulnerability. This not knowing, thats what makes you reach out to a higher Intelligence for guidance in the first place. This humility that you dont have all the answers. Im not Spiritual because its some special natural gift. Im Spiritual because on my own I SUCK at life. So Ive been pushed to lean not on my own understanding. I dont know. I know the feeling I have right now. The crying, icky, not good enough feeling, is perfect. Every new leap Ive made in my life to get me to a new place or dream has involved this awkward, crying, I dont know what Im doing stage. SO. I guess Im exactly where Im supposed to be. Learning and growing and allowing myself to be real. Heres to leaning on Creator and the Angels and all the great Spiritual Teachers (shout out to my personal favorite guide Jesus) to bring me the right tools, the right people and the right resources so I can step up into this next better version of me! In the mean time Im going to go Shake It Off with Taylor Swift and my puppies. Much Love Family And Big Hugs :)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:06:07 +0000

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