BLEACHING . I may still have to speak on the “the seed of - TopicsExpress


BLEACHING . I may still have to speak on the “the seed of the woman, God’s will in marriage and family” during this week, to complete my message. However, I want to teach on ‘Bleaching’ and on ‘Tattoo’ first. . Jewelries are ornaments usually made with metals or precious stones (especially gold), which people put on for adornment and beautification. Jewelries include rings, necklaces, pendants, medals, earrings, crowns, brooches (breastpins), bracelets, armlets, anklets, bangles, nose-rings or nose jewels, metallic headbands, metallic-sashes as waistbands, scarf pins, crisping-pins, leg ornaments and wristwatches. . Cosmetics, on the other hand, are make-ups for beauty and charms, which usually affect or enhance the colour of one’s skin or hair, artificially and superficially. Cosmetics include lipsticks, eyelashes, eye shadows, eyeliner, greasepaint, bleaching, tattooing, hair colorization/decolorization, powders (white or coloured powders), manicures & pedicures etc. These are cosmetics for make-up beauty artificially and superficially. However, some artificial can be linked to the supernatural, and some superficial can be linked to the spiritual, depending on the use of cosmetics and jewelries as Christians. . My focus this day is on “Bleaching” or “Blanching.” It deserves the focus because bleaching is the cosmetic that changes the colour of skin either by whitening, washing, disinfecting the skin, tanning or blanching the skin. A man experiences change in the colour of his skin as days go on, from the day he was born. Therefore, a man has natural colour, but he does not have permanent colour until he is glorified with immortality in Christ Jesus. There is no mortal man with permanent colour. . I overheard someone say that those who bleach shall be cast into hell because they have changed the natural colour God gave to them. However, I do not agree or teach such teaching because it is false. Nobody is cast into hell because of bleaching; rather people are cast into hell because of defilement, not bleaching. Bleaching does not defile the body; rather what defiles the body and soul is what comes out of an evil heart of man according to the gospel of Mark (7:20-23). A man ends in hell because of defiling his body and soul, not because of bleaching his body or soul. . If God will cast anybody into hell just because of bleaching, it means God has colour discrimination. If a black man will end in hell just because he bleached into a white man, it means God either hates white men or He does not want black to become white. This is not so. Infact, God spoke through Jeremiah to relate the possibility of a black man bleaching into whiter skin with the possibility of an addicted evil doer to repent and do good. As it is written, “Can the Ethiopian change the colour of his skin? Or can the Leopard remove its spots? Then you may also do good, who are accustomed to do evil” (Jeremiah 13:23). This means that when a sinner repents and is washed, he has bleached. God is a bleacher, and the best in bleaching people who come to Him. What God said in Isaiah (1:18) {“Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool - (Isaiah 1:18)}, meant bleaching. It is through bleaching we are made white and sanctified in the spirit, because God’s sanctification is bleaching. God bleaches body, soul and spirit that come to Him in glory just as a washer man bleaches clothes in laundering. . I once received an experience in a dream/trance years back, in which I met the King of Kings and He bleached me from my defiled state of dirty brownish-gray into glorious white holiness, which I beheld in Him then according to the level of His glory that I could see. It was obvious that the level of whiteness and brilliance I received in that experience was according to the level of glory I could see in Him then. Thus, the level of His glory you can see with the eyes of your heart reflects the level of glory you can have; and to add more glory or whiteness to you, you need to see more of His glory and whiteness with the eyes of your heart. . The day Moses saw God’s backside face to face with his natural face, the face of Moses was bleached forever. The colour of his face was changed, but different from the colour of the rest of his body; and people ran from him in fear (Exodus 34:29-35). So, do not mock anyone whose facial colour is different from other body colour of his or her skin due to bleaching. . Whether one likes it or not, everyone is either bleached by nature at a point or is tanned by natural forces. God is a bleacher, nature is either a bleacher or a tanner. For this reason, a man has natural colour, but he does not have permanent colour. . 1. Is a man’s natural colour the colour he had in the day he came out of his mother’s womb? I have seen babies very fair in complexion as soon as they were born, but as they grew older, they get darker. This is because nature would not leave their natural colours permanent. 2. Is a man’s natural colour the colour he had when younger? I have seen fair people (including myself) changing colour into darker complexion due to exposure to sun and hardwork stress. This is called ‘Sun-tan’ (The negative bleaching by nature through the sun tanning). As it is written, “I am black but lovely, oh daughter of Zion. Do not look on me because I am black; for the sun has tanned me: My mothers children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” (Song of Solomon 1:5-6). Nature will not leave the natural colour permanent. 3. Is a man’s natural hair black in colour, blond, golden, flaxen or white in colour? I have seen a man who once had black hair, lost the blackness of his hair and gained the glory of hoary head or white hair. However, it is only when hoary head is found in the way of righteousness that it becomes a crown of glory (Proverbs 16:31). Nature will not leave the natural black colour of hair permanent. Heat could darken the colour of skin just as the sun (Job 30:30), but that is more pronounced when it comes with famine (Lamentation 4:8-9). As it is written, “Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine” (Lamentation 5:10). . Perhaps, the reason we now have different colour of people and races is that nature did not allow the natural colour of our first parents to remain permanent. God did not create any body black, rather it is effect of tanning by nature and forces that raised up the black race as they descended from Canaan the grandson of Noah. So do not call your complexion the colour that God gave you, rather view it as of the path through which you have travelled into this world. If you were born through white parents, you may not have come out black; and if you were born through black parents, you may not have come out white; there are exceptions though. However, the best place we saw the beauty of black as a colour was in black race. The black race has shown that black is beautiful more than any other thing could ever show that in this world. . Inspite of this, I counsel you to be more concerned about changing the colour of your heart and soul than in changing the colour of your skins; be more interested in bleaching your soul and spirit than in bleaching your body. For it will be counted as hypocrisy if your appearance is whiter than your heart, or your skin colour is lighter than the colour of your mind; just a whited washed sepulcher that is full of dead men’s bones is hypocritical (Matthew 23:25-28). The reason there is the word, “Critical” in the word “Hypo-Critical” is because hypocrites are always critical for publicity or proganda. Hype – means publicity, propaganda, puff (proud in conceited manner) Critical – means serious and calling attention to flaws and errors. Joining “Hype and Critical”, we have “Hypocritical.” Hypocrites are more critical to gain publicity and propaganda, than they are to gain truth and God’s approval. Hypocrites simply sells ‘hype’ to people in exchange for their praises, honor, glory, applauses, influence, gifts, supports, service or for their fanaticisms.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:41:27 +0000

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