BLESSINGS IN THE MORNINGS, BLESSINGS IN THE EVENINGS, BLESSINGS ALL THE DAY LONG Breakfasted on Cheerios, complete with sliced banana and whole milk. Spent quality time in the Lords House. Lunched on foreign cuisine and bumped into old friends. Had my Sunday afternoon beauty nap (I think it helped, except for my hairdo). Then grabbed a book and spent much of the rest of the afternoon on the bed reading. Around 7 oclock, decided to do my Farmer Ken chores (topless and in my shorts and Muck boots, no less). Thats when I discovered the perfect breeze to continue my reading on the deck in the swing. Read until I could no longer make out the words on the page. Pulled up Facebook and checked out the worldly events and was reminded of the Super Moon. Scanned the skies. In yonder eastern sky, it lingered behind a mask of clouds, concealing its full beauty. Ten blessings I count in the words above, and thats only scratching the surface for the day. Neither health, nor family, nor job, nor place to lay my head, nor hot water, nor the majestic pecan tree in the back yard made the Top 10 list this day. Maybe I should re-prioritize my blessings. Or is it possible to rank our blessings? Sort of like ranking our children by the amount of love we have for each one. It cant be done. Thank you, Jesus, for the blessing of blessings. Forgive me when I fail to see them or appreciate them.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:31:42 +0000

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