BLESSURE DAMOUR (WOUND OF LOVE) MADILU SYSTEM (SANS COMMENTAIRE : 1993) Intro : Ye mei MADILU multi-system Ah yo ndeko ya mwasi, oyé kobeta nga kabakata ya likofi Pona kosolola na mobali nayo Vraiment oybi te que mobali nayo ayali yaya nanga ya quartier Basalaka boyé te, boni ko? (Intro: Itself MADILU multi-system Oh my sister, you gave me a blow on the head Because I spoke with your husband You really do not know that your husband is my big brother in the neighborhood noble people dont act in that manner?) Namesana nanga bitumba te mama boni oko kanela nga nasali yo nini eh Ngayi ko na boundaka te mama Banda nabotama nasala nanga ata physique te oh Wapi nzoto ya bitumba eh mwan’oyo Bafinga, batonga nakipaka te oh Ngayi ko naboya nanga bitumba oh mama (Im not used to fighting, my sister what do you seek from me, what wrong did I do you I myself I never fight Since I was born, I did not go even for a physical education I dont even have a body to fight When they insult me, they speaks ill of me, I do not pay any attention to them I refuse to fight) Nalobeli hein (I say) Namesana nanga koswana te je peux vomir boni oko swanisa nga nase ya mbula Bakake eko beta likolo, olingi obundisa ngayi, po ozwa bomengo oh mama ah Kitoko ya mwasi na mokili ezali chance ya la vie te Mobali oko bundisa ngayi ezali vieux ya quartier (Im not used to the bickering, it makes me want to vomit, why are you trying to bicker me in the rain The thunder is rumbling in the sky, youre looking for a way to fight me, for you to get wealthy oh mama ah The beauty of a woman in this world is not a chance in life The man whom you seek to fight with me against me, is an elder of the neighbourhoodl) Parler : COCO, nayebi te lokola tozali namokili oyo ya se, nanu tokomi na paradizo te Soki okoki kozwa chance ya kozwa mobali oyo ya yomoko (Speaking: COCO, I did not know, as we are still here on earth, as we are not yet in heaven If you can have the chance to have a husband for you alone) Ah tika biyoka yoka Nazangi moyen hein (Do not listen to gossips I can not stand it) Koswana pe bitumba ezalaki likambo nayo ya kala, nani alakisi yo bitude mabe boyé COCO (Bickering and fighting that were the past, who tought you these kind of bad habits COCO) Nabanga makofi (I fear blows / I have a phobia to blows) Nga nabundaka te eh COCO eh Nga naswanaka te eh COCO Nga naboya manzaka n’elongi nanga eh Nga nakoma nangayi kosambela YESU Nga nakoma kobanga mibali ya bato masumu (I do not fight COCO I do not argue COCO I refuse to have nails scratch marks on my face Now, I pray to JESUS Now, I avoid other peoples husbands for it is a sin) Parler : Te COCO namoni hein Tokoma nabiso ba changeur de monnaie Omonaka ndenge ba mère yango bangindaka te Vraiment na bambula oyo tokomi nayango To changeaka lisusu mibali, ah pasi hein Mama oh, c’est vrais (Speaking: No COCO I think That weve become the currency changers You did not notice how these women never get satsied with money With this age we have now to change mean is suffering / a tall order Mama oh, its Indeed true) Soki nasalaki yo mabé, olimbisa ngayi eh Soki nabomela yo moto na famille, luka yo pardonné ngayi oh (If I misbehaved / I did you wrong, forgive me If I killed a member of your family, find a way to forgive me) Chœur (2x) : COCO eh Mama eh Soki nasalaki mabe limbisa nga eh (2x chorus: COCO MOM If I misbehaved / I did you wrong, forgive me) Nayebi pota ya bolingo eliki pota ya lisasi Kasi okokaki kosambwisa nga boye te mama (I know that love is more painful injury a gunshot wound But you could not fool me that way) Chœur (2x) : COCO eh Mama eh Soki nasalaki mabe limbisa nga eh (2x chorus: COCO MOM If I misbehaved / I did you wrong, forgive me) Mobali oyo, okoseli nga makambo COCO, nga nde moto nalakisaki yo NZOMBO FAUSTINO (This man, you told lies about me, it was I who introduced you to NZOMBO FAUSTINO) Chœur (2x) : COCO eh Mama eh Soki nasalaki mabe limbisa nga eh (2x chorus: COCO MOM If I misbehaved / I did you wrong, forgive me) Nasengi yo bolimbisi mbala kama ondzima ngayi te natubeli masumu na ngayi epayi ya ABBE JACQUE (I asked for forgiveness five hundred times, you do not believe me, I will confess my sins to Father Jacques) Chœur (3x) : COCO eh Mama eh Soki nasalaki mabe limbisa nga eh (2x chorus: COCO MOM If I misbehaved / I did you wrong, forgive me) Parler : Vraiment COCO, ndegé nayebisaki yo kaka, possibilité mosusu eza nango Tokota nabiso na zando ya GAMBELA, totekaka bilamba nabiso, na ba bijoux Po soki tolandi kaka mibali oyo, mitu pasi Vraiment na mokili oyo ya se tozali, lokola toza nani namisuni Nanu tokomi na paradizo te, epayi toko zwa molimu P’ozwa chance ozwa mobali, az’obe na yomoko Sans qu’azanga ya pembeni, eza problème COCO Oyebi qu’oyako swanisa nga pour rien (Speaking: COCO really, as I told you, there are other possibilities lets go and do business in Gambela market to sell clothes and jewelry Because if we continue relying on men they will give us a headache for real on this earth we are living, remember we are still made of flesh We are not yet in heaven, where we will be spirits To have a chance of finding a faithful husband who will have only you as his wife who will never go elsewhere, its complicated COCO You know that you just bicker with me for nothing) https://youtube/watch?v=9ZqUUQYjciE
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 07:01:57 +0000

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