BLOCKED AGAIN BY CRAIGSLIST AFTER POSTING IN WELLS FARGOS HEADQUARTERS AREA OF DES MOINES IOWA. THATS CENSORSHIP THE BASTARDS ARE BLOCKING THE FOLLOWING REVISED POST. ANY IDEAS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. HELP WAKE UP OBAMA & DEPT. OF JUSTICE OBAMA IS GOING TO GO DOWN IN FLAMES LIKE ERIC HOLDER HAS. Even Reagan put 658 Republican S & L Banker crooks in jail to Obamas 0. 658 to ZERO IS IMMORAL. That’s why AMERICANS ARE GOING TO FIGHT WITH ISSISL, SHOOTING STATE POLICE AND FEELING DISENFRANCHISED BEYOND BALLOT BOX REPAIR. The Tax Payers have paid for 2 banker bailouts and will pay again because nothing has been done to stop the banker/politician corruption. The people that make up Wells Fargo and Bank Of America continue to cheat and steal despite the fines because NO ONE GETS PROSECUTED. Wake up Obama and The Dept. Of Justice, it’s easy. Call your President Obama repeatedly; two O two - four five six – one 1 one 1 Call your Dept. Of Justice repeatedly; two O two - three five three – one five 5 five Hopefully we’ll be put on the lists of subversives joining Dr. Martin Luther King, Abbey Hoffman, Mohammed Ali. ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL: ALL PEOPLE SHOULD GO TO PRISON EQUALLY; WELLS FARGO BANK MANAGEMENT IS RIPE FOR RICO PROSECUTION; Tell your President Obama & your Dept. Of Justice to; PROSECUTE FAIRLY: PROSECUTE WELLS FARGO PERSONAL UNDER RICO ! ! ! ! Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 17:28:55 +0000

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