BLOG FOR 11/12/2013: SACRIFICE (THYAGA) DR. RAGHAVENDRA S. PRASAD, MD “Thyagaineke Amrutatva Manasu” declares the Upanishads meaning only through sacrifice one reaches immortality. The word thyaga is scary to lot of people. They think they will be losing some thing they possess as the result of thyaga. This is not true. What it really means is sacrificing the limitedness and slowly expanding towards un-limitedness which is our home. This limitedness is caused by the “me” and “mine” boundary we draw ourselves around our limited self. This boundary is our “body-mind complex” otherwise called “ego” (ahankar). This wall of ego is responsible for preventing our full expansion to our true self. This ego breaking is a must and the final frontier of spirituality before self realization. SURRENDER IS A WAY TO BREAK THE EGO: In order to break the ego, one has to develop humility and surrender the ego to a higher power spiritually than our limited self. This higher power is a guru, who himself is beyond the ego and self realized or Divinity. In surrender we do not lose any thing except our ego. We lose no opportunity. We open ourselves to infinite knowledge, infinite energy and infinite sustenance. Thus we open ourselves to infinite possibilities. In surrender we become trustees of God’s treasure. We become God’s children officially. We become God’s responsibility and become eligible for inheritance of God’s infinite treasure, knowledge, energy and sustenance. When we lose the ego through surrender, we expand towards un-limitedness and open ourselves to infinite possibilities. ATMA NIVEDANAM: In the nine steps in devotion (navavidha bhakthi), the ninth and final step is Atma Nivedanam, meaning self (ego) surrender. This is what Krishna advised Arjuna and what Arjuna did finally. Surrender and sacrifice does not mean that we leave judicious planning and full effort execution of all day to day activities. It only means surrender of fruits of action to Divinity (nishkama karma) after careful planning and execution. It takes away pressure of results, hence surrender makes us efficient in our work. We will not be swayed by the results, since we accept what was, what is, what will be. Then everything becomes a God’s gift. Thus life becomes a gift and we cherish it joyfully with gratitude. SACRIFICE AS A HUMAN VALUE: Vedas proclaim “Mathru Devo Bhava” meaning mother is God, since mother is embodiment of sacrifice. We revere cows as holy, since they are embodiments of sacrifice. They share major portion of their milk with us, while giving a small portion to its own calves. Every aspect of this animal was useful to us, even in death as shoes for us. Hence it is respected as a holy cow. CHARITY IS WEALTH: “Na Danena Paapena Iham Daridram” meaning Poverty in this life is due to miserliness in previous lives. As one gives –so they grow. Unless we leave Carbon Dioxide out, we cannot inhale life giving Oxygen. Unless we eliminate our food waste, we cannot take in additional food and be healthy. So we should let out to fill. We have to UN-learn in order to learn. Charity, giving and sharing should begin in childhood with good role modeling by parents. Giving nature does not come overnight. Hence we should practice with effort initially and then it becomes our spontaneous nature. As we start to enjoy the joy of sacrifice and giving, we become spontaneous givers. Give and be given. THYAGA IS ANANDA: Sacrifice is joy. Sacrifice of the ego takes us beyond the duality of pain and pleasure and gives us perpetual joy and happiness. As ego is sacrificed humility dawns in, the light of it reflects on the face as effulgence. In this we connect to all the people and beings around us and experience contentment, fullness and abundance. We will be filled with gratitude for what is. Thus surrender of ego is the ultimate step on spiritual ladder and sacrifice of limitedness of me and mine, expands us to we and ours to Divinity. Sacrifice (Thyaga) takes us from Vyasthi to Samisthi to Srusthi and ultimately to Parameshti.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:23:53 +0000

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