BLOG FOR 11/18/2013: SACHIN TENDULKAR: THE LIVING ICON Dr. Raghavendra s. Prasad, MD How do little people do extraordinary things? How do people from the most ordinary average families grow big to be national icons? One can understand the answers to these questions by understanding Sachin’s life. I watched cricket as a student during Jaisimha, Nawab of Patoudi era, not much since recently with the last world cup matches. I know how much Sachin was loved in India. I watched him in his last and final Mumbai test. DETERMINATION (TITIKSHA): FOCUS (EKAGRATA) AND PERSEVERANCE (MUMUKSHATVAM): He was embodiment of determination. This seed of determination was planted by his father at a tender age. He advised him not to seek short cuts in life. This seed has grown into a fruit giving tree for him, cricket world and to India. This tree also became shade giving mentoring tree for the young cricketers to grow. The seed of humility, effort, focus, steadfastness and gratitude has produced the fruits of awards, rewards, records, wins and glory to Indian cricket, India and to Sachin. No short cuts said his father and took no short cuts by Sachin, sheer hard work, focus, perseverance, humility, reverence and gratitude is the cause of the dividends. What a lesson for young India. No short cuts. Believe in oneself. Work had with focus and you will be rewarded is the lesson of Sachin’s life, the little master of life. For focus he is like Arjuna, the one who only saw the eye of the bird, the target. The uproar of humanity as he entered the stadium did not distract him from his task at hand one last time at bat. He did not look sideways till he entered the crease when he briefly acknowledged the fans out of respect started his mission of batting. This is a lesson in focus. As he entered the stadium, during and at the end of the match and during his memorable speech he remained a pillar of humility and gratitude. ICON OF DHARMA: Scriptures described Rama as “ Rama Vigrahan Dharmah”. Similarly we have to describe Sachin as a living icon of Dharma. Truth in action is Dharma. He put utmost importance to the job at hand that is batting to the best of his capacity and helping the team win in all situations. It is said that: Duty without love is deplorable Duty with love is desirable Love without duty is Divine Sachin devotion to duty is the third kind (Love without duty – Love for clove’s sake) wherein he loved Cricket more than himself, his family and all other things. This came out in his wife Anjali’s statement that “ Cricket is number one priority for Sachin and we only came second”, “I can imagine Cricket without Sachin and cannot imagine Sachin without Cricket. Cricket is his Love. He is cricket and cricket is him. He is Arjuna of cricket. People say he was God of Cricket but for Sachin Cricket is his God. Upanishads say “Yad Bhavam Tat Bhavathi”. As the result of worshipping Cricket God , Sachin transformed to become God of Cricket. What happened next is history with breaking of so many of world Cricket records. Thus Sachin is a living example of becoming the Love you are to any occupation, sport or endeavor. By loving what you do and dedicating 110% all the time to the task at hand transforms one to a higher level higher than any contemporary imagination. This love was shown amply shown in his work ethic. He said he will spend sleepless nights thinking on rectifying a problem strokes. He comes for early practice even as a veteran of Cricket like a new player and his tenacity to be a continuous learner to improve himself makes him unique and a role model to others. CHARACTER AND GOODNESS: Sachin entered into Cricket at a tender age of 12 and entered into international Cricket at 16. He only completed High school education and just few months of college. But the level of maturity, knowledge and understanding he depicts in his life is amazing. Most of his friends in cricket call him brilliant. This brilliance emanates from his character. It is said that: End of education is Character Fragrance of education is Goodness Goodness is superior to Greatness He is the icon of end of education, the character. Character is what we do right when nobody is watching. Sachin had zero skeletons in his closet. He is what he thinks, speaks and does. He is an absolute transparency and an icon of character and goodness. His goodness is depicted in his availability even to the most junior players. He is an embodiment of goodness. His goodness is contagious on and off the field. POPULARITY AND BHARA RATNA: His popularity stems from his discipline, hard work, work ethic, character and goodness, not by promotion like some but, by attraction by the effulgence if his character. He does not seek publicity; in fact he stays away from publicity and lime light. Publicity seeks him. He did not seek Bharat Ratna. Bharat Ratna came to him. Bharat Ratna is glorified in honoring this living legend. He conveys that awards should not enhance our honor but we should be an honor to the awards. FAMILY: Foundation for good life begins with family. He contributed to develop a close knit family. Wife and parents are integral part his making. Anjali taking responsibility of kids when Sachin was fully dedicated to cricket is a lesson in Sanatana Dharma. Ultimately they were a family contributing to each others greatness and responsibility. It is not who does what but, how they handled it together is of utmost importance. Family is a team work. This depicted well in his family life. GRATITUDE: His parting farewell speech is a text book material for our youth. His speech was filled with gratitude of the Vedas. Vedic statements of “Mathru Devo Bhava”, “Pithru Devo Bhava”, Atidhi Devo Bhava” and “Acharya Devo Bhava” are reflected in his speech of humility and gratitude. He is all inclusive and left none in expression of gratitude. He Showed his gratitude to the Wankhade stadium where he started his career by having the final game arranged there. After finishing the last game of his career he first showed his gratitude to the game of cricket that gave him livelihood, name and fame. He went to each end of the crease, bowed down and kissed the ground. Then he did abhiseka (hrudayabhishekam) to his late worldly father and spiritual Guru Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s feet with his (rare) tears. He showed reverence and gratitude to his mother by having the stadium authorities arrange a ramp and playing in her rare presence. He thanked his wife, Anjali by acknowledging with reverence that “Anjali is the best thing that happened in his life”. He thanked his in-laws, children, colleagues, friends, coach and all the spectators and fans. There is no body he left off in his spontaneous speech. Even his Bharata Ratna he dedicated to his mother and all other mothers in the world. What an embodiment of gratitude. GRACEFUL EXIT: Most people know how to stay in the lime light and few know how to gracefully exit. He showed his character in selecting the exit time and place. When he felt that he was unable to perform 100% to the needs of the international cricket he discussed with family, took them into confidence and declared his time and place of exit. Indian cricket board would have never sidelined him in selection. He voluntarily bowed down to make room for aspiring capable youngsters in the game. He is the George Washington of India. (George Washington self imposed the two term limit on his presidency and stepped down from presidency. With 22nd constitutional amendment it became the law of USA). Self awareness of body, mind and its capability as it naturally rises, peaks and declines is an asset of the good ones. Sachin is fully aware of these changes, discussed with his family about retirement and together as a team made the decision to retire from active cricket. This in itself is a text book lesson for many athletes and others. MENTORING AND HELPING OTHERS: His presence in the team contributed immensely to the team India. Particularly the youngsters, junior players are the beneficiaries of his presence. He was the first one in the locker room to meet and greet them. He offered valuable pointers to be a better player in addition to mentoring by personal example. HUMILITY: How many youngsters with only high school education that are successful at a tender age know how to handle name and fame. We see in the people like Michael Jackson on how they ruined their life with early successes. Credit to the parents and teachers who imparted such contagious humility in his heart that shoed enviable humility in the mist of his of success as a national hero. This is a lesson in itself. In terms of popularity, he was number one among Indians. In terms of humility, character and goodness, he outshines his popularity. Country is blessed by his presence. His popularity is not of the Nehrus, Rajivs and Rahuls who were born with a golden spoon in mouth. His ascent and fame is that of Lal Bahadur Sastry and Lincolns. It is sweat and blood. It is sheer hard work and strength of character. No short cuts. That is why he was a role model for youngsters. He is a role model for all us on how to be a true Bharatiya. He is one of those few handful that Swami Vivekananda aspired in India, to shake the world. People say he is the God of Cricket. I would say he is the God of Humility. The God of Gratitude. He is the God of Effort, God of Focus and God of Perseverance. These are the Gods that young India has to meditate upon. Long live Sachin and his legacy. May a more determined India will shape up from the seeds of his legendary character, goodness, humility, effort, focus, steadfastness and legacy. We love you Sachin. We wish you and your family the best. Best is yet to come. Raghavendra.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 21:24:41 +0000

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