BLOG FOR 8/15/2013: INDIA 67TH INDEPENDENCE DAY; FORCES OF INTEGRATION AND DISINTEGRATION Dr. Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD Integration is YOGA and disintegration is ROGA. Integration is through personal human effort and disintegration is inherent human tendency of neglect. There is a constant battle between forces of integration and disintegration. Disintegration being human weakness is an easier job and only requires promotion of the base animal instincts in humans called ARISHADVARGAS, the six enemies. These are kama(desire), krodha (anger), lobha (miserliness), moha (delusion), mada (ego), matsarya (jealousy). It is always easier to blame others for our own problems, rather than self improvement. The society that does not do introspection and improve and the society that keep blaming others for their problems will never improve their lot, though given equal opportunity. This attitudinal difference accounts for disparity between children of the same family, same community, same language and same country and same world and resources. With this in the background let us explore the issue of Telangana and their desire for separate statehood. TIMING OF THE ISSUES OF DISINTEGRATION: First this demand came out Marri Chenna Reddy, then through KCR. In all these instances it stemmed from political unemployment. They lost their ministries and to keep them political ambition alive and with vengeance they started this movement of disintegration called Separate Telangana. When they were part of the ministry there was no issue of Telangana and it only came after they lost power. BLAME GAME: LOOTING OF OPPORTUNITIES AND RESOURCES: Once they began their agitation for their personal agenda, they had to justify this with some reason other than the true reason. The slogan of looting resources and stealing f jobs by Andhrites has come to the fore front. Let us analyze this lie. People who seek opportunity should be willing move to places where the opportunities are available. There are two groups in India that are known to be hard workers and can move anywhere in the world for opportunity and growth. In the south these are the Andhrites and the Keralites. In the North India they were the Gujaratis and the Marvadis. They work hard, make a life for themselves and prosper. In all the north Indian universities there is significant number of Keralites and Andhrite. Gujaratis are all over the world. Eighty percent of US hotel industry is controlled by Gujaratis. A significant chunk of Indian business is controlled by Marvadis. This is all because of their willingness to move where the opportunity is, willingness to work hard to improve their lot. They get into jobs because they excel in education through hard work, they naturally climb to the top because of their inherent tendency to excel. They are not satisfied to be the employee, they want to grow and provide employment to others as an employer. These are the people who grew into large IT firms and infra structure companies etc. this is entrepreneurship at its best. More of this is necessary from all quarters. Andhrites and Keralites do this by laying importance on education from start and Gujaratis and Marvadis do this hard work and community mutual help and lending. It is not only in Telegana that Andhrites prospered, but all over India and all over the world they prospered because excelling in education and hard work, willingness to move where the opportunities are. The notion generated by TRS that Andhrites are looting jobs and opportunities from Telalaganites are simply untrue. They will excel as well as Andhrites when they follow the same good values followed by these Andhrites, not by desire of throwing Andhrites out. Now even the stats proved all the allegations are baseless and Sri Krishna committee report validates this. TELANGAGANITES HONOUR: Once the looting argument was thrown out by numbers, they invented new argument. This is the honor and dignity of Telangana. The same argument brought forward by Muslims when they demanded separate country away from India called Pakistan. History proved that millions of human lives were lost, 3 wars were fought and continues to be problem even today. Disintegration in the name of honor is historically detrimental. SELF RULE: Another argument, brought in by TRS is they want to govern by themselves and promises to provide heaven and earth to Telanganites. Four Telagnite Chief ministers ruled AP 5 times since its formation. They are Anjaiah, Vengal Rao, Chenna Reddy (twice) and Narasimha Rao. During their time the government functioned under their leadership and ample opportunity to do what is being promised now. Freebees increments, central salaries were announced by KCR even before the formation of the new state. Where will the resources come. ISSUE OF HYDERABAD: It is a public secret that majority of Telangana resources come from Hyderabad. This city was developed by investment of sweat and blood of Andhrites and others to be an international city. During TDP governments of NTR and CBN, Hyderabad was changed into an international city, into an IT hub, tourist center and educational, pharma industry center, entertainment industry center and as health care center of the south and India. Now Hindi movies are shot in Hyderabad at Ramoji Film City, International IT companies like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Yahoo, Dell, Face book opened their offices in Hyderabad and became a back office of the world. Real estate flourished and farmers who owned small pieces of land became instant millioners. World Bank named Hyderabad as the second best Indian city to do business. A significant portion of state revenue comes from Hyderabad. KCR wants to take the Hyderabad and take all its income to Telangana. Hyderabad contributes US $74 billion to the GDP and is the5th largest contributor to Indian GDP. Hyderabad accounts for 55 percent of the state’s revenues and 65 percent of the Union government’s revenues. Andhrities poured in their resources into Hyderabad with an idea that they are investing into their future, not a separate states future. They felt they belong to Hyderabad and developed it as their own. It is too greedy of TRS and KCR or Sonia of Congress Party to tell Andhrites that Hyderabad only belongs to Telangana. TLELANGANA NOT A SOLUTION BUT IS LIKE OPENING UP CAN OF WORMS: There is no justification for separate Telangana on economic and other grounds except for the sheer opportunism of some leaders. It will open up demands for several new states, like demands for Vidarbha, Ghorkhaland, Bodhaland, Konkini, South Tamilnadu etc. There was never state demand where the capital resides. No capital city ever transferred to a new state. After the division of states starts the problems and fights for river waters, electricity, gas and state employee issues. AP dispute of river waters is still unsolved with Maharashtra, Karnataka and Orissa. RATIONAL SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM: 1. DECLARATION THAT TELANGANA WILL NEVER BECOME A NEW STATE: This is the best solution. Agitation in Telangana was fuelled by KCR after the premature announcement by Chidambaram. Two years delay after the Sri Krishna commission deliberations costed the state of AP economically and in terms of unity. Development in the state came to a standstill. AP constitutes 10 percent of India and India also suffered as more than 65 percent of union revenue comes from Andhra Pradesh. A prosperous AP is in the best interest of India. 2.MAKE HYDERABAD UNION TERRITORY AND AS SECOND CAPITAL OF INDIA: If keeping the AP united is not possible, this is the only true solution that will be in the interests of all parties in AP. Both Telangana and Andhra will use Hyderabad as temporary capitals and develop their own capitals. This will help well rounded development of all regions. This is in the best interests of India too since Delhi is too close to the borders and is vulnerable in case of wars. This will also integrate India administratively. People in south India will find a closer supreme court and parliament . Half the sessions of parliament can be held in Hyderabad and supreme court bench can be put in Hyderabad. Developing Hyderabad as second capital of India will help India strategically during war times. Broader national interests should prevail over immediate advantages to a political party or otherwise. Personal prides have to be swallowed in front of national interests and national integrity. Integration should rule over disintegration. JAI HIND.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:30:32 +0000

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