BLOG POST (A.K.A Long Post Warning) HOW YOUR INTESTINES DETERMINES YOUR HEALTH. Many people have questions about health and nutrition. Many do not know that your intestines is the center of your whole body health, they feed all your organs, blood cells, and muscles.. Your food is suppose to fuel your body , so what do you think happens when you load your body with junk? It becomes sick, your body will not function properly, it causes illness and dis-ease.Research over the past two decades has revealed that gut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Foods that are not good for you messes up the flora in your stomach and intestines. We’ve only recently begun to understand the extent of the gut flora’s role in human health and disease. Among other things, the gut flora promotes normal gastrointestinal function, provides protection from infection, regulates metabolism and comprises more than 75% of our immune system. Dysregulated gut flora has been linked to diseases ranging from autism and depression to autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s, inflammatory bowel disease and type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, several features of the modern lifestyle directly contribute to unhealthy gut flora: Antibiotics and other medications like birth control and NSAIDs Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods Diets low in fermentable fibers Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut Chronic stress Chronic infections Step #1: Don’t Eat Toxins Eat whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, clean organic proteins and ferment-able fibers. Thats why I LOVE BEACHBODY and SHAKEOLOGY, shakeology gives you that complete nutrition to start off your day with 70+ super foods and fiber, probiotics, prebiotics and so much more that balances your body on a cellular level. Shakeology® has also been CLINICALLY PROVEN https://youtube/watch?v=WJRIb7CYA0U . I would not post about a product daily that I didnt believe in WHOLE HEART-EDLY . I truly believe in Beachbody and what they stand for, they are a company who cares about you and take great lengths to study all avenues to bring you the best products and programs that work. Here is a little video on whats in shakeology and what it could cost if you bought the ingredients separate https://youtube/watch?v=O1kHcLEYPO8 . Shakeology is not like any other shake, it is an extraordinary complex dense nutrition that helps your over-all health, in this video you get an insider look and how shakeology is formulated https://youtube/watch?v=me15POjiEnE . Its nothing like the $12-$50 discount store shake, it is much more then that. I just want you all to understand WHY SHAKEOLOGY COST WHAT IT DOES! I hope this post has gave you a different perspective on shakeology and why it is so imperative to your health and WHY I POST ABOUT IT DAILY and WHY I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD BE DRINKING IT! If you have any questions, Please contact me.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:13:28 +0000

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