BLOG UPDATE FROM SUMMER INTERNS AT THE PARK: habeinterns.wordpress Hello again! Over the past week and a half we’ve found 68 nests, both Least Tern and Wilson Plover species, as well as one American Oyster Catcher. Throughout the week we have been watching each nest carefully, seeing if the eggs have hatched. Of the 68 nests, 12 have hatched and produced baby chicks! Once the chicks hatch they move away from the nests and congregate into a “nursery”. We also witnessed several displays of the Wilson Plover’s broken wing act when we approach their nests. This is a attempt to lead the predators away from the nest. The Least Terns do not do this display, but instead dive bomb their predators, and also like to poop and throw up on them. We learned this the hard way. This is important for the species because one of our colonies has been predated by the coyotes who are taking shelter on the island. On Friday we conducted a beach front bird count. During this bird count we saw 15 species including, Red Knots, Sanderlings, Black Skimmers, Great Egrets, and a Piping Plover. We hope to see Piping Plover, Black Skimmer, and Common Tern nests on the island sometime soon!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:10:41 +0000

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