BLOOMINGTON IN. A COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP   YO! Welcome to Bloomington IN. Home of the worst communist  Planing $ zoning in America ! I understand why the rich & greedy turned planing $ zoning in to a communist dictatorship so they can control every thing for there own good & Profit, But Its hard to believe we the people have sat by & let them turn Bloomington & Monroe Co. IN. In to a total communist p$z dictatorship??? They have taken away all property rights & now they have classified 4000 privet propertys as a nonconforming propertys & now the commie p$z are attacking legal business & privet property owners who have worked there whole lives to make something out of there land, But now they do not fit in to the NEW Communist p$z MASTER PLAIN. So the commie p$z bastards are going to attack & destroy 4000 property owners? Just like they destroyed me a crippled Vet, Because Bakers Junction RXR Museum is 10 miles out in the country? I lost every thing defining my legal right to save Bakers Junction RXR Museum. The communist planing $ zoning SOBs out of Bloomington IN. Tried every thing to force me to destroy & remove the centenary old train stations from Monroe Co. But I had all the right zoning & permits so I won my right to save the RXR Museum? But I  went in to debt, over 100,000.00 at 20%.   Since the commies p$z attack in 1995 I have been paying a $1000.00 a month & I steal owe $70,000.00 I cant get a good loan on Bakers Junction so I will be paying for defending my right to save the RXR Museum for the rest of my life.  If I had not had 3 kids to thank of I would have killed them for what they did & I cant believe some one has not done it ? The way I see it any one who works for planing $ zoning in Bloomington IN. Is a trader to our America way of life & deserve to be run out of America. Johnny F Baker bakersjunction
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:41:32 +0000

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