BLOWING up AL AQSA, last time arrives ? Dynamit for blowing up - TopicsExpress


BLOWING up AL AQSA, last time arrives ? Dynamit for blowing up Temple mountain... Happened before , when an Australian Kibbuz-christian burned the AQSA-mosque, read about BREIVIK, the fanatic right - wing killer of OSLO, Norway, ...many readers may doubt weather there is any sense in taking single psychopath so serious. I would argue, that Breivik should be treated very seriously at least for three reasons. First, Breivik is acting in a group of like-minded people. Taking in regard the self identification with masonry, we may not exclude that Breivik and his Manifesto are just visible part of big scenario of Judeo-Christian’s hawks (analogical to Turkish Ergenekon), that precedes establishing of death squadrons in Europe. Second, it is ever worse if Breivik and Co are not tied with any elites. It means that ideas, that were adopted by Breivik can currently motivate young gifted Europeans (and Breivik is among them) for murder and self-sacrifice. Third, although the Breivik’s plans for 2083 look like utopia, we are only at year 2011 now and life flows fast. Because Manifesto is aimed against European Muslims, it’s possible realization becomes the matter of life and death for European Muslims. So the situation challenges us for deep analysis and adequate response. Answer : Solution, to be near to Allah, next, Allah three doing Itikaaf in the mosque.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 14:23:21 +0000

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