BLVD OUR 12 DAYS FAST COMMENCES TMWR (01/02/14). [PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THROUGH THIS MANUAL BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO USE THE PRAYER POINTS, WHICH BE POSTED DAILY] UNDERSTANDING THE FAST: 2014, THE YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. A YEAR IN WHICH WE SHALL BE SOARING ON HIS WINGS. ITS A YEAR IN WHICH THE LORD ALMIGHTY HAS PURPOSED THAT NONE OF US SHOULD CRAWL NOR WALK, ITS A YEAR TO SOAR. THIS YEAR NO MAN SHALL PREVAIL BY HUMAN STRENGTH >1 Sam. 2:9b (GW)==> .......... humans cannot succeed by their own strength. TO THIS END, FASTING HAS BEEN STRUCTURED INTO THE 12 CALENDAR MONTHS OF THIS YEAR. WE SHALL BE WAITING UPON THE LORD EVERY FIRST 12 DAYS OF EACH MONTH ( THIS IS THE FEBRUARY EDITION) AS THE LORD LIVES. > Isa.40:31a (GW)==>........ the strength of those who wait with hope in the Lord will be renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles. THIS YEAR, GOD TAKES THE LEAD. GOD ALONE SHALL LEAD US AS HIS CHOICE AND TREASURED PEOPLE EVEN AS HE LED ISRAEL. THEREFORE WE SHALL BE DILIGENT TO EMPTY OURSELVES OF ANY FOREIGN GOD. THIS IS A YEAR WHERE GODS WILL IS PRIORITY. > Deut. 32:12 & 13a (GW)==> the Lord alone led his people. No foreign god was with him. He made them ride on the heights of the earth.......... > Mt. 6:24a (AMP)==> No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other......... THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE CARRIER OF GODS PEOPLE AND THE DOER OF ALL THINGS IN 2014; BY HIM ALL THAT GOD HAS IN MIND FOR US SHALL BE DOWNLOADED. > Phil. 2:13 (AMP)==> [Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight. THEREFORE THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.WE NEED HIM THIS YEAR. WE HAVE GOT TO LOCATE HIM AND HAVE HIM TO OURSELVES THIS YEAR. WE HAVE GOT TO SEEK HIM OUT AND DELIGHT OURSELVES IN HIM IN 2014. GOAL OF THE FAST: This Fast is designed to cause us to Focus on what God has in Mind for us this year. Its a Fast wherein we have come to give priority to what God wants in 2014. During this Fast our Prayer Focus is on Praying His Plans and Purposes into our lives. Word MUST become Flesh; as the Lord has spoken so it MUST be with each one of us in 2014. PURPOSE - to release HIS PRESENCE. - to engage the DOER of all things. - to download His WILL into reality - to mount on HIS WINGS and have HIM carry us on taking the LEAD every step of the way into what HE has Promised. MODUS OPERANDI -this fast shall commence on the very 1st day of the month ( 1st February 2014); God called for it as such hence we bow to do as He has commanded. This Fast will last for 12 days, hence it ends on the 12th day of February. -the period of fast shall be from 6am (in your time zone) till 6pm(your time zone). -during the above scheduled fasting time their shall be abstinence from all forms of food and drinks(except water which can be taken when the body needs it to avoid dehydration. Note however that excessive intake of water at such a time as this, weakens physical strength. Whenever you feel stressed up (health wise) with the fast or you are unable to go ahead for justifiable reasons please discontinue the fast - this fast is FOR ALL( female, male, newly weds). If you have any health condition you are advised to seek medical counsel but above all seek Holy Spirit counsel, before you commence or decline. - abstinence from every form of pleasure to the flesh during the stipulated hours of fast will be an added value and show of seriousness unto God. - during the Fast our focus will be on *WORSHIP as a the key to release of HIS PRESENCE. Therefore cultivate the habit of making melody in your heart unto HIM even when you are not in a regimented prayer mode(i.e during your regular schedule of duty in the course of the day, make worship a lifestyle; this will create the right atmosphere for the HOLY SPIRIT to abide. * STUDY OF THE WORD. His WORD carries HIS powerful Presence. take time to study the word(not just to routinely read the word. get as many translations of the bible as you can so that your study can be in-depth. * PRAY ALOT IN THE HOLY SPRIT THROUGH THE PERIOD OF FAST. > Rom. 8:27 (AMP)==> And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with Gods will. * BE ATTENTIVE SO AS TO PICK WHAT HE SAYING. > Jos.5:14 (MSG)==> ........Joshua fell, face to the ground, and worshiped. He asked, “What orders does my Master have for his servant?” You need to know the Instructions HE has for you. Thats HES LEADING! WATCH OUT FOR IT. >Habakkuk 2:1a (GW)==> I will stand at my guard post. I will station myself on the wall. I will watch to see what he will say to me......... In preparation for what HEd say, get yourself a special journal at this time specifically for your thoughts, His instructions, and all that the Spirit will allow you. Be ready to write and ensure you WRITE as He Speaks. - during this fast ensure you do allow pollution of your spirit. Sanctify yourself before HIM. >Exo. 19:10 (AMP)==> And the Lord said to Moses, Go and sanctify the people [set them apart for God] today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. >1 Thes. 5:22 (AMP)==> Abstain from evil [shrink from it and keep aloof from it] in whatever form or whatever kind it may be. Beloved avoid any provocation, quarrel, fight, malice, grudge, arguments, illicit involvements, lies, corruption and every appearance of evil. >Eph. 4:31 (AMP)==> Let all bitterness and indignation and wrath (passion, rage, bad temper) and resentment (anger, animosity) and quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, with all malice (spite, ill will, or baseness of any kind). > Col. 3:8-10 (AMP)==> But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips! Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old (unregenerate) self with its evil practices, And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it. - be at PEACE with all as much as lies in your power >Rom. 12:18 (AMP)==> far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. - prayer points will posted online on our website : As well as on our social media pages- on FACEBOOK : VICTORIOUS PRAYING WOMEN MINISTRY; THRIVING BIZ WOMEN FELLOWSHIP, FLOURISHING CAREER WOMEN FELLOWSHIP; VPWM GHANA; TBWF ABUJA; YOU AND I; VPWM LONDON, and VPWM USA/CANADA. Also bb Blast to those on the group pages. - IN LAGOS ONLY, A PRAYER MEETING WILL HOLD ON WEDNESDAY 12TH FEBRUARY @ BEEHIVE SCHOOLS by 4pm. This meeting will cover all our members globally. NB: FOR FURTHER CLARITY ON ANY ISSUE RELATING TO THIS FAST PLS. email [email protected]. Or call any of the following nos: 08095383331- Chief Servants Official line. 080093216644- TBWF Coordianting Pastors Official line. 08093945814- FCWF Coordinating Pastors Official line. 080093216640- Threshing Floor Coordinating Pastors Official line. 08093945808- Vessel of Mercy Coordinating Pastors Official line. 07081199513 - Admin line.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:17:58 +0000

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