BMT +28 ME is doing well on her O2. She is holding her levels - TopicsExpress


BMT +28 ME is doing well on her O2. She is holding her levels well and hopefully can get put back on a regular cannula and we can get moved back to the BMT floor soon. Several of her sweet nurses have visited her and have been cheering her on. She hasnt slept but a few minutes since waking up and is VERY agitated. The Drs suspect it is drug related and she may be having withdrawal from being on the sedation meds. They are trying to regulate this and make her more comfortable. I pray for her to get some pain free rest and to be able to settle down some tonight. She is not acting at all like herself and it is difficult to appease her. But I am so very thankful for how far we have come and how well she is doing. It really is a miracle. There were several excruciating days that we really didnt know what the future would hold. I refused to go to that dark place but your mind wonders when you are in such a difficult situation. We know she is strong and not giving up. So neither will we-ever. God is good, all the time.🙏😍❤️Soon she will be running down the beach again praising God! Psalm 18:3 I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. Psalm 28:6 Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:36:16 +0000

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