BMT update #13... Lucky 13 Sleepy Past- Yesterday was a real - TopicsExpress


BMT update #13... Lucky 13 Sleepy Past- Yesterday was a real treat... Or not. The boy woke up and wanted a sandwich! That was a good thing as his appetite is showing signs of coming back. The bad news was that he had to be sedated and couldnt have anything in his stomach. He spent the majority of an hour yelling at the top of his lungs, I waaaaaaaant a SAAAANDWICH!!!! So... with patience and love, I just picked him up.. no words and swayed back and forth. Then we moved to the rocking chair to rock-a-baby... where we fixed him up with a warm blanket and a long rocking snuggle. The sedation went well. We hid under a blanket tent so we didnt have to see what was going on and before he knew it, he was injected in his line... one brief outburst (which broke mamas heart) and he was asleep. Rhys even sent us with his iPad so Lucas could play a special game to put his nerves at ease. ((thank you!!)) The doc and tech and nurse who did the sedation were wonderful folks who weve had in the past. They put my mind at ease as I knew they would do a good job and take such good care of him. There was a beanbag type form on the table and once he was out, they placed him on it. Then they suck out all of the air so that next time he goes in, hell be in the exact same position... and every time thereafter so that his radiation treatments will be as precise as possible. The waking up part waaaas a LITTLE rocky. He came out pretty grumpy. After a ride up to our room and settling in to his snuggy bed he was off for an authentic snooze until the effects wore off. Just before his nap, he wanted Veggie Straws... I gave them... and without skipping a beat, he was crunching them and inhaling them... Let me remind you, he has not had food in at least 2 weeks.... this was BIG!!! All in all the day went well but I was so happy for it to be over. There is something so unnatural and scary to me about sedation... I absolutely hate it. However, I am so happy with the team who worked with him and am so thankful. Awake in the- Today, we both woke up... Lucas pooped on the potty!! (yes!) Then, after lounging around for a bit, he shot up outta bed like a rocket and was RUNNING around the room... Running and pushing his IV pole back and forth. I was so so SO tickled!!! (worried because he has a history of being clumsy but SO tickled for the burst of energy). Inappropriate - After that, I decided I would do some yoga. I anticipated a nice little 10 minute retreat while Lucas played his iPad and relaxed from his energy burst. Thats not exactly how it went... Ya see, my kids ALL have a knack for saying inappropriate things at the top of their lungs... its kind of their superpower. SO just as Im in my yoga groove, I hear a loud squawking voice, VAGINA... (ohmyGOSHLucas!!!) So... in between scolding and laughing, I finally got him to stop... after... 15... very loud... minutes. Honestly!!! (SO naughty)... and super funny What I see - It really looks like things are heading in the right direction. Our doc said his liver #s are going down again. Lucass attitude is changing and hes getting these great bursts of energy. Hes also gaining interest in food. Theses signs, alone, are so encouraging. We still have some meds to complete and have to get rid of C-diff but I am feeling optimistic that weve turned a corner (knock on wood). Your prayers are helping!!! A Special Thanks - My Sisserfran (aka sister friend, sister in law), Diane and brother in law Ed have been just outstanding. So have my nieces Abbey and Ashley for running errands and taking on the other Fredericks kiddles when we have places to be and work to do. Also to my friends SarahLake and Aunt Rita for tackling the house in places I never thought I could tackle. These types of people only come along once in a lifetime... They are storybook people who show up... no questions asked... no excuses... no problem... they just show up to be present, help, listen, care, and run errands. I am so thankful for all of you. Thanks. To All of YOU - Thank you so much for your continued prayers... I know I say that alot but please do not think me in-genuine. I mean it. Ive seen your prayers help Lucas through some really dark times. Thank you for your continued support and love and card and responses and love. Love & Thanks, Red
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:47:13 +0000

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