BNBF Midland 2014 report by Vicky McCann The BNBF Midlands on - TopicsExpress


BNBF Midland 2014 report by Vicky McCann The BNBF Midlands on 3rd August was undoubtably an event that was enjoyed by both competitors and audience alike. The audience were amazing showing great support for everyone on stage. The noise was deafening at times which always helps make a brilliant event. Great venue, great competitors, great audience just a GREAT show! The first class on stage was the Teen class and this set the bar for the day, a great line up of talented young athletes. The winner was Dale Bett who had a great structure and good condition. Dale has good balance and great potential but as you would expect for a teen needs time to mature and fill out. Dale for the finals I would look at improving your mandatory poses. Well done! The next 3 athletes were very close and 2nd to 4th really could have gone anyway with them all showing different strengths and weaknesses. 2nd eventually went to Max Roberts who has great stage presence. Max was in good condition and like Dale has a great structure to build on. Max’s weakness was his legs as he didnt always pose them allowing them to sometimes appear smooth. Max work on holding our legs harder at the finals. In 3rd place was AJ Morris, AJ again had a great structure and a lovely neat physique which is a great starting point for any teen. He lacked presence during the day so got a bit lost in a strong line up. 4th was Mik Renard, I loved Mik’s confidence for a young competitor. Another teen with great potential however Mik could pose better from the rear to show himself more. 5th was Adam Chambers, unfortunately Adam wasnt in good enough condition to be competitive in this strong line up of great teens. Next up was a very strong junior class. It was one of those classes that as a judge you take a deep breath and think wow awesome to judge such a great group of athletes but you know it is going to be tough. The winner was an exceptional athlete with amazing potential, when he asked me at the end of the show I struggled to find fault, yes he is young and needs to mature, yes he could tidy up a few poses but, Steven Olagoke our winner on this day although not a big physique has great quad sweep, great V taper, lovely condition and balenced from top to toe. I did remind him however that the BNBF Junior class at the British finals is always a very tough hard fought class and I looked forward to him joining that line up. 2nd was Feyi Oyeboke a very classic physique with beautiful lines, Feyi like Stephen was well balanced and has great potential. Feyi is not quite as wide as Stephen and when posing in mandatories sometimes looked extremely aesthetic but slightly narrower than he actually is. Feyi’s routine was quite exquisite and very classic. Feyi just look to keep those classic poses for the routine and look at making yourself look bigger in the mandatories. In 3rd place was James Wilson who was a very chunky junior with a lot of muscle. It was very tight with James and Feyi during pre judging they were both very different James was a much heavier muscles strong physique against Feyi’s aesthetic lines. James however looked bloated in his midsection by the evening show which for me was the deciding factor. James also has great legs but didnt tighten them enough. James watch what you do between pre-judging and the evening show and use those legs. 4th was Sam Gordon, Sam was super confident and a joy to watch on stage, he looked like he was really having fun. Sam was lacking the condition of the top 3 but he did have a great X shape and great potential for future. Thanks Sam for your positive input in this show and more condition will see you move up the placings. 5th was Wesley Chirara who had a lovely upper taper and strong pecs and arms but lacked leg detail and size in comparison to upper body. 6th was Martin Goodwin who has a good structure to work from but lacked a fullness that would allow him to be more competitive. Also competing were Cody Silvester and Thomas WIlson. Both need a bit more time. Cody as discussed after the show learn to use your legs more. The next class up was the Masters and once again the standard didnt disappoint . Ben Scrivens was a stand out winner on this occasion with a great balance of shape, size and condition. Ben has a tiny waist great quad sweep and good taper ,all in all a top level master. Ben could pose better in rear poses and his tan was a bit pale something easy to work on for the finals Ben. 2nd and 3rd were much tighter. Andrew Burrill has a lovely aesthetic physique and great pecs and shoulders. Andrews condition was excellent but Andrew is weak from the rear in comparison to his front poses. Then Gareth Cauldrey is more rugged in his physique but lacks the full pecs of Andrew he does however make up for his weak areas by having very strong legs. So Garreth was given the nod for 2nd on this occasion leaving 3rd to Andrew. 4th went to Chris Chapman who is improving every outing. Chris was in good condition but lacked the leg development to place higher in this class. Also competing were Dave Cotton and Chris Flannagan. Masters Over 50 The older of our masters classes the over 50 class provided another strong class with yet another exceptional winner. Trace Collier walked out a very complete physique with obvious years of hard training behind his heavily muscled physique. Balanced with great condition and legs that rightly won him the best wheels on the day. Trace pushed in the overall but faded slightly towards the end.Well done on a great showing Trace and a strong addition to the British Finals line-up. 2nd was the ever entertaining Denton Wilson. Denton was not quite as tight as I have seen him previously but his well balanced aesthetic physique nailed 2nd place. 3rd was Gary Ebank, Gary needs to be much tighter to place higher but does have a well muscled physique which is well balanced. Gary’s posing seemed better than previous outings. 4th was Dave Blackburn. Dave has a nice shape and was in good condition but a bit flat especially in pecs. Also competing were John Heath who brough the house down Richard Hooley who is getting more muscle every year, Jeff Lunn who I have seen harder especially in the quads and Graham WIlson who needed to be harder. Miss Physique Only one competitor in the class Eve Cook who will now go on to challenge at the final. Eve needs to be harder for the finals. Masters figure. The masters figure was a closely fought class. Claire Louise Clark had the best presentation and most shapely neat figure taking the win. In 2nd was Jess Centro who had more muscle but was less shapely than Claire. Jess had good condition but was very awkward in the T walk.If Jess could achieve a harder drier condition would be competitive in the athletic class. 3rd was Mandy Bamford, Mandy was in good condition and has a neat shape but she lacked tone in the legs and width in her back to compete with the top 2 on this occasion. 4th was Gabrielle Machynkova who had one of the better shapes but lacked the condition to make top 3. Also competing were Angela Apparicio, Sharon Graham and Sue Waters all need to work harder on creating more shape by building more muscle especially in the glutes and hams. Novice The novice class was one of the largest of the day with as always a variety of shapes and sizes. The winner was Dusan Zuber who had a good balance of muscle and condition. Dusan was strong from the front but weaker from the rear. Dusan you still need to improve you posing for the finals. In 2nd was Jakub Bieniek who probably was the most balanced in the class he pushed very hard and it was close between him and Dusan. Jakub has a great V taper and great pecs, I think Jakub just needs to gain confidence as he seemed a bit nervous on stage. 3rd was Luke Heelowell, Luke was in good condition and had great abs but lack leg development a bit more fullness in general would help. 4th was Sam Vale who wasnt in good enough condition to place higher on this occasion. 5th place went to Delmore Gumbs who altho has a great shape wasnt in good enough condition this time to place higher. Also competing Chris Anslow-Johnson with a good Quad sweep but lacking condition,Sam Batchelor good upper body lacking leg size and condition, John Crew who was in good condition and muscular but needs to look at posture Johns legs were weak especially round the knees lastly Lukasz Wnukowski who has a good wide upper body and a good structure but just needs time. Next up was lightweight men The winner was Dean Garrett, Dean was in good condition with a great shape and lovely dry back detail. Dean has strong quads and abs with an aesthetic look. Dean was a little flat in areas. There was an empty look so certain areas a bit more fulness would probably give an even harder look. Strong classic posing as always. 2nd went to Jaime Bishop who looked very muscular but lacked detail as his condition wasnt quite there yet. Jamie will be dangerous if in better condition at the finals. 3rd was Chris Edge with a good shape but lacking fullness looked flat in many areas. 4th was Acheampone Gyeou, Acheampone has good lines and lovely quad sweep but lacks a hardness and heavyness in the muscle. 5th Shaun Flaherty was lacking both size and condition to be competitive on this occasion Middleweight 1st was Raymond Lengyel, Raymond was very hard with great detail, he was slightly flat and uncomfortable to watch as he wouldnt stand still in his poses this is something Raymond should sort before the finals. 2nd was Danny Richardson who has a great upper body and brilliant side poses but is slightly wide in the hips this will be remedied as his legs get more mass. A bit harder for the finals Danny. 3rd was Philip Dean, Philip has a good leg sweep and was in good condition but lacked the muscle fullness to challenge this time. 4th place went to Stephen Burke who has a great structure and a muscular physique but lacked the condition to be competitive. Get the glutes and hams tight Stephen. Heavyweight In 1st was Louis Smith, Louis was in good condition with lovely back width and quad sweep. He has wide shoulders good pecs and a nice taper. From rear Louis was very strong well developed erectors. Louis is a bit long in the torso and doesn’t disguised this when posing something he can learn with more experience. 2nd was Rob Mason, Rob has great wide back and a good structure. Rob is better from front than rear and could be more animated. Fight for it more Rob. 3rd was Chris Wright who has very small joints giving a good illusion of muscle fullness. A good structure with good quad sweep. Chris just needs more a bit more size. 4th place went to Andrew Julier, Andrew just needs to nail condition he carries a lot of muscle but didnt have the condition to show it.Miss Figure This was a hard class as there was no consistency throughout the class no-one totally met the criteria which makes it harder for the judges to judge. 1st went to Sally Thomas was the eventual winner. Sally was slightly hard for the class but had a good balanced shape, for a figure class in the finals she would need to try and achieve more fullness. Sally could also consider competing in the athletic class in the finals. 2nd was Natalie Gilead, Natalie looked great from the rear and her T walk was excellent but still needs more muscle in shoulders and arms to achieve a more curvy trained look. 3rd was Katy Smeathers, I felt Katy has the best potential to improve for the Britain as she posed really well and when posing looks very shapely even though her condition wasnt good enough if Katy can achieve better condition she could be very competitive. 4th was Nicky Rodgers, Nicky lacked detail but has lovely stage presence. 5th placed Louise James was is great condition and although she didnt place on the day it was felt that her well detailed pecs, shoulders and arms with her long athletic limbs would lend well to the athletic class so was invited to try the athletic class at the finals. Louise you need more leg detail some heavy squats and leg work to bring out more detail. Joanna Fara placed 6th, Joanna was very neat she just needs more time to build more muscle to create more curves. Awkward on the move. Also competing Alison Booker who looked muscular but not in good enough condition, Charlotte Perkins who was heavy in the legs and needs to be harder and Sacha Roberts who was heavy in the legs and a bit flat in her upper body. Girls you all need to look to be harder for next outing. Best Wheels Trace Collier Overall winner Louis Smith
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 11:47:16 +0000

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