"BOARD OF GOVERNORS – JUNE 2013 STATEMENT BY BRAZIL DELIVERED BY H.E. AMBASSADOR LAERCIO ANTONIO VINHAS AGENDA ITEM 6(a) IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IAEA ACTION PLAN ON NUCLEAR SAFETY Mr. Chairman, Allow me at the outset to thank Deputy-Director General Denis Flory for his comprehensive presentation on this agenda item. We would also like to commend the Secretariat for the preparation of the report on the Progress in the Implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, as contained in document GOV/INF/2013/7. Brazil fully associates itself with the statements made by G-77 and China, as well as by GRULAC on this agenda item. Brazil is pleased to note that measures to assess and improve, where necessary, the levels of nuclear safety in facilities across the world continue being thoroughly implemented by Member States and the Secretariat. Among the latest steps taken by Brazil to implement the set of recommendations foreseen in the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, I am glad to say that Eletronuclear – the operator of Brazilian nuclear power plants – has concluded, within the frame of the Eletrobras-Eletronuclear Response Plan to the Fukushima Accident, the reevaluation of potential slope instability or landslides around nuclear power plant sites and of possible flooding due to external events. Furthermore, Eletronuclear has undertaken actions on the reinforcement of cooling capabilities of the reactors and spent fuel pools and the mitigation of radiological consequences. The procurement of additional services and equipment related to these areas is already under way. Moreover, the National Nuclear Authority has elaborated a new regulation on the evaluation and approval of sites for nuclear power plants, taking into account the occurrence of extreme external events. Mr. Chairman, Brazil places great importance on the review process of the safety-related conventions. We have actively participated in the Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, which took place in August 2012, and supported the creation of the Working Group on Effectiveness and Transparency, with a view to strengthening the implementation of the CNS. Brazil has also taken part in the First Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, held in Vienna last April. We were satisfied that the meeting drew to a successful close, as the Parties committed to an agreement based on the further streamlining of amendment proposals. This agreement eventually paved the way for the narrowing down of different suggestions regarding the means to strengthen the implementation of the Joint Convention. Mr. Chairman, The overall progress in the implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety has been impressive, in regard to both general and specific safety assessments. We concur, however, with the opinion of the External Auditor concerning the need to insert the Plan’s implementation in a certain time frame. We are of the opinion that the vast majority of activities developed under the Plan coincide to a greater extent with those comprised in the Agency’s regular nuclear safety Programme. Brazil therefore suggests that the Secretariat elaborates a road map outlining procedures for the merging of the Plan’s activities with those of the IAEA’s regular safety Programme. This merging of the Plan with the regular Programme could take place by late 2014, when we expect the Fukushima Comprehensive Report to be presented. With these comments, Brazil agrees that the Director General’s report on the Progress in the Implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, as contained in document GOV/INF/2013/7, be transmitted to the General Conference. Thank you, Mr. Chairman."
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 09:02:40 +0000

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