BOARDER GUARDS REPORTING PEOPLE BEING SENT TO ALTERNATE STATES WITHOUT DISEASE SCREENING!!!! WHY? Politics Trumps Safety. What in God’s name does it take to get through to liberals? How can it be that we live in the same country as them, more or less went to the same schools, and yet they are dumb as a box of really dumb hammers? What part of Obama not wanting to go anywhere near the detainment facilities didn’t send up a red flag? You think he wants to walk into a facility that is now an incubator for diseases this country hasn’t seen in decades? One would THINK that might be the first sign that what is taking place at our borders is NOT in our country’s best interests… even if you are a dumb as a hammer libtard. Obama and liberals see a never ending stream of democrat voters that they can ship to precincts where their illegal votes will turn the tide sooner before later and make the United States a ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Demographics had us well on that path anyway, but it looks like Barack wants to complete the process next year so he can announce a third and permanent term in office. READ ON...
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:43:43 +0000

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